10 Ways to Cheat on Your Wife and Get Away With It

Whether you're bored, drunk, or you've fallen out of love, cheating questions your moral standards. Moreover, you should think hard about why you feel the need to cheat if you're in a committed relationship. An important thing to always remember is that cheating isn't easy, and it's not for everybody. So, if you've never cheated and don't want to try it, congratulations, and please get busy about your day. However, if you're that guy - a cheater - well, that explains why you're here.

Therefore, I'm here to teach you how to cheat on your wife without being found out or at least without looking stupid. Meaning, you should always be careful and avoid some trap discussions like whether cheating is wrong or right. Don't do it; let her discuss that topic with her friends.

How to Cheat on Your Wife

Again, if cheating is going to make you feel terrible and screw things up, you don't have to do it. But if you're going to do it anyway, there are some rules to be followed. "Don't drink and drive" is a rule meant to keep you safe on the road. It applies to cheat, too. In cheating, don't drink, and if you do, don't ever get drunk. You don't want to be careless and hurt your sweetheart and everybody else around you. Let me show you how smart people cheat.

1. Delete all the messages on your phone

Putting a password or lock on your phone is not a good reason to act carelessly. If your wife ever thinks you're cheating on her, then your phone will be the most haunted item in the house. What if she accesses the phone before it locks and reads the messages? I bet you don't want to hurt your significant other, so be smart. Smart people don't leave a trace of any cheating evidence. So, stop being your own enemy and delete all those text messages no matter how sweet they are. Act innocent.

2. Lock your phone/change your password

Not locking your phone can be a super effective trick as she may not suspect anything. But imagine if a message pops up while she has the phone or you forget to delete WhatsApp chats with your side chick and she reads them? Things can get tough. So, avoid these mixed recipes of disaster, and ensure you lock your phone. Or if you suspect she already snooped and knows your current password, then change it immediately. Remember, cheating should be for fun, and no one should get hurt, and if it happens, your wife should not be at the receiving end.

3. Cheating expire date

If you screwed things up with your ex, let the situation be what it is. Getting back to them may arouse feelings that may turn back the clock and result in an uncomfortable environment, and it may not be so fun. So, for cheating's sake, don't get involved with people who will spoil the fun. Remember that you're not looking for a long-term relationship, so cheat with an expiration date or at least know how to cheat with them.

4. Make your lie as simple as possible

If you want to cheat on your wife and get away with it, don't panic, even if things get worse. Compose yourself and come up with a lie that sounds real. Make it as simple as possible. Figure out a less complicated explanation and don't change it for any reason. Just keep it half-lies and half-truths, and you're good to go. If you're going to panic and confess everything, then don't cheat at all.

5. Set your schedule and make it seem normal

The best way to get away with your immoral actions is to establish a strict schedule and stick to it. If your wife notices sudden changes in routines, she'll raise suspicion and may start keeping a keen eye on you without you even realizing it. Avoid introducing new things and make the situation seem normal.

6. Keep it in a small group or even better, just yourself

If you're careless enough not to keep your tragic fame to yourself, sooner or later, you're going to get caught. Therefore, if you want to know how to cheat on your boyfriend and get away with it, keep it to yourself. Or, if you must tell someone, then narrow down the list to the most trusted ones and remember that the only person you can fully trust is yourself. Apply simple common sense, and you'll be able to cheat peacefully.

7. "Frankly" talk about it with your spouse

If your spouse suspects that something is amiss, don't shy away or avoid the conversation, or it might look like you're hiding something or you're not serious about their feelings. Therefore, listen to your partner's worries and respond appropriately. Be "frank" in your discussion and apologize for not knowing that they felt the way they did and assure them that things are under control. Give your partner room to express their concerns, because that can help you know the source of suspicion and mend it.

8. Change your behavior that arouses her suspicion

If you had a "frank" conversation with your spouse, they must have given you an indication of where their suspicions are coming from, and this can help if you change the behavior that arouses her suspicion. You can even discuss it and promise to make appropriate changes. But again, don't somersault your expressions since that will raise eyebrows. The deal here is to show some efforts to keep trust, so be cool and act normal.

9. Choose one communication channel

If you're communicating with your secret lover using all your channels, chances are you'll leave some evidence behind. With all the busy life happening, scattered evidence can be hard to manage. So, it can help if you choose one channel and stick to it; this can help minimize your chances of being caught. Clearing all the evidence is one of the safest ways to cheat on your wife and get away with it.

10. End the affair

If your spouse maintains their suspicion, even after several promises or "changing" your behavior, the best decision is to end the affair. Or at least hold back for a while and let things get back to normal. However, you should be courteous while ending it, because if the other party is not well prepared to call it quits, they can mess you up big time.


People cheat for different reasons. Before you could even think of cheating on your spouse, establish why you want to do it. The tips mentioned above are not meant to teach you how to cheat but to help you get away with cheating and keep your spouse in the dark. If your partner gets suspicious, ensure you don't lie; the more lies you say, the greater the chances of being caught.

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A dating consultant and writer. With his rich experience, he offers you practical suggestions and helps you solve relationship problems. Find the right one and avoid all thorns on the path to happiness.