12 Ways of How to Block Negative Energy From Others

Have you ever been with someone whose mere presence takes a toll on your psyche? If yes, then you know exactly what negative energy means. But if no, keep reading, and you will know what it is and how to protect yourself from negative energy. Spirituality suggests that every human being has an aura and gives off different vibes. When someone has a character that generates negative thoughts, and you feel like you are losing hope, that aura is said to be negative energy. It can have adverse effects on one's mental as well as physical health.

How to Block Negative Energy From Others

It is essential for your sanity to steer off the negative energy. I have listed 12 effective ways of how to shield yourself from negative energy:

1. Learn to identify negative energy

You do not have to be a monk to sense the negativity around you. Just look for some visible signs to identify the negative energy, such as if you are anxious all the time, feel irritable, or make impulsive decisions. Negative energy also makes you feel exhausted the whole time, and you will not be able to understand why.

2. Meditate

Meditation is proven the most effective way to block negative energy and calm yourself. Take deep breaths and let your shoulders release the stress you have been going through. Perform regular meditation, add light walking, or maybe even jogging to your routine. Get your body some fresh air to clear out the negative energy.

3. Think before action

Your actions play a significant role in setting up the energy around you. If you have not been doing any good deeds, you are practically inviting the negative vibes to get a hold over you. So before you do anything, think about how it is going to turn out. Positive deeds and actions attract positive energy.

4. Select true friends

People around you are one of the most important factors that decide the energy around you. Having real friends will mean that you have people that support you and cheer you in the times when all you think of is how low you have sunk. That cheering, in turn, will help you in blocking out the negative energy from others.

5. Get clear on what you like and dislike

Knowing your likes and dislikes is essential if you want to learn how to be positive. If you are not sure what you like or dislike, you will find it hard to decide what makes you happy and what upsets you. Being happy is the first step toward blocking the negative energy, and if you are not sure what is going to make you happy, how will you achieve it?

6. Do not respond to others' negativity

You might meet a large number of people every day and all of them try to influence you. Some of them are really cheery and joyous, but you will also meet some who will be full of negative thoughts. It may be about anything, but you need not respond to such negativity. Responding to them will make you absorb it. You would not want that now, would you?

7. Remind yourself that your emotions are most important

The best way to avoid negativity from other people is to always remind yourself that the most important thing for you is your emotions. Know that there is literally nothing about others that could distort your emotional state. Having a constant reminder of this will help you preserve your sanity, and you will not compromise with your happiness.

8. Release yourself in a relaxing way

What can be better than having all that pent up negativity and stress releasing from your body and melting down as you lie down in a bathtub filled with hot water where you can feel the pleasure building in you. A hot bath works for me, but you can choose another way – a massage or maybe a book. Whatever floats your boat, go for it.

9. Consider yourself immune to negativity

Visualization is a very powerful gift. All you have to do is believe that you are immune to any negativity of any kind. Trust me on this – your body will be physically able to block out the negative energy. It takes some time to hone this skill, but it is worth it to shield yourself from the negative energy.

10. Do not let other people's opinions weigh you down

Everyone has their reasons to tell you why you need to stop caring about what others think. Life is not about pleasing them. It is about pleasuring yourself. So do not let it matter what they think. More important is that you are sane and always aspiring to grow. Others have their own life to worry about, and they will get to it eventually.

11. Be the best version of yourself

There is nothing more cheerful than presenting to the world how awesome you are. Always try to be the best version of yourself and every day try to be better than you were the day before. This feels like an accomplishment and brings happiness and positivity in your life, simultaneously blocking out all the negativity.

12. Carry an Amulet

If you are a believer and have no issues putting your faith in a crystal, it is advised to carry an amulet with you. These can be really helpful for you in keeping the negative energy at bay. A small pocket stone of black tourmaline or smokey quartz is known to absorb all the negative energy and keep you positive.


If you have a tendency to get influenced by others, you need to stay clear of those who are full of negative energy. You do not need to be blunt about it, but you sure have to look after yourself. Follow the above tips on how to block negative energy from others and lead a life full of rainbows and butterflies.

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.