6 Things You Should Think About if Your Partner Constantly Criticizes You

Quarrels are one of the essential parts of every relationship. Due to the differences in our personalities, we tend to disagree from time to time. Sporadic bickering is a completely normal thing, and it shouldn't bother you. However, there is a huge difference between disagreements and constant complaints, and sometimes it's not so easy to distinguish between these two. You should know that if you're not happy in your relationship, then something's definitely wrong and you shouldn't ignore that. A long-lasting bond is built on mutual understanding and hard work, and both partners have to participate in it equally. If you ask yourself "Why does my husband criticize me constantly?" and you have no idea why you get such a treatment, you should know that these kinds of behavior can have a long-lasting negative effect on you and your wellbeing.

6 Things You Should Know If a Guy Criticizes You

Criticizing doesn't have to be unhealthy and with bad intentions. Constructive criticism is actually a good thing because it can help you grow as a person and learn from your mistakes. Still, a negative one can have detrimental consequences to your health, both mental and physical.

1. Criticizing your appearance is not right

We live in a time where physical appearance has become much more significant and valued. Some people say that to society it's more important than the brain. Nobody is flawless, and it's sufficient to worry about your appearance, especially if you can't change it. If someone really loves you, they will never make insulting comments about it, or make you change it. If your partner deliberately lowers your self-confidence by trying to highlight what they consider as your flaws, you shouldn't tolerate this kind of behavior. Furthermore, he surely has weaknesses as well, and it's normal, especially if you two are busy bees and don't have much time to devote to working out. Of course, hygiene and taking care of your body is something that everybody should do, but if your partner wants you to change your style, make you lose or gain weight, or dye your hair without you wanting that as well, don't allow such behavior. It's really unhealthy.

2. Criticism isn't always constructive

Diving deep into a relationship makes partners get to know each other. Your partner should know you the best, so they probably know which mistakes you tend to make. Constructive criticism is a very good thing; it can point out a certain problem that you haven't been aware of, for example. All in all, if your partner sometimes criticizes you, maybe he doesn't have bad intentions. But if his criticizing doesn't stop and you feel like everything you do is wrong, then your partner certainly doesn't do it because he wants to help you.

3. Don't forget who you really are

They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and that's something that can get dangerous if you spent most of your time around someone who constantly criticizes you. You might start believing in everything your partner says, and it can lead to low self-confidence, anxiety or even depression. Bit by bit, his constant complaints will make you feel unworthy. Don't give in to that. Always remember your worth and don't let anyone disrespect you. Furthermore, you should move away from people who drain your energy in that manner.

4. Both of you should make an effort

Relationships function based on mutual respect, and you should always be able to communicate things with your partner. Telling everybody else things like "my husband criticizes me" without telling him anything, will solve nothing; it can only make the situation worse. You should talk with your partner, openly stating that you take issue with his behavior. If he is a suitable partner, he will listen and think about their words and actions. If your partner makes you feel bad intentionally and doesn't intend to change even after the conversation, then you should think about leaving.

5. Don't try to get at him

It would be a great mistake if you would try to do the same thing he does to you because it would make you equally as bad as him. Actually, it would be a childish move. You might be surprised, but this is a very common mistake people make. Criticizing him just to make him feel as you do will certainly lead to a breakup. If you want to save your relationship, don't be obstinate and try to solve this problem without adding insult to injury. An honest conversation is always the best option. Revenge will only make you feel bad, so it should never be an option. If you think that your partner's actions are wrong, why be like him?

6. Maybe your partner does it unintentionally

As time passes, people let their hair down and stop thinking so much about what they say to their partner. Maybe your partner doesn't mean to criticize you, but rather doesn't pay too much attention to what he says. Maybe he doesn't consider his words as criticism at all. This would be a great thing because it's easy to solve. You just have to talk to him. Talking things out is crucial, and maybe he will instantly realize how they make you feel. It can make that "why does my husband criticizes me constantly" question disappear forever.


Ups and downs are a part of every relationship. Going through hardships together will make your bond stronger, and if you can't reach out to your partner and solve the problem, then you should do yourself a favor and leave. Don't ever let yourself lose your dignity and self-respect, especially because of someone who should be your ultimate source of love and support. You should never allow anyone to criticize you constantly because it will only lower your self-esteem and the quality of your life.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.