8 Easy Ways to Learn How to Be Friends With Your Boyfriend

The basis of any long-term relationship is decidedly friendship, and that is why it is important to know how to be friends with your boyfriend. This will not just help your relationship flourish but also take it to a different level, make it more meaningful, and deepen the long-standing bond between you and your significant other.

A great friendship helps you grasp the relationship better and look forward to spending time with each other beyond sex and necessities. Often, it is what makes the foundation for a strong bond and life-long happiness. It helps you open up and be more sensitive to your partner's needs and feelings.

Easy Tips to Become Your Boyfriend's Best Friend

It is obvious that learning how to be friends with your boyfriend is all about investing more time in each other, spending more time together, and creating a base or platform to take your relationship forward. Here are some simple but effective ways you can deepen your friendship with your special someone.

1. Do fun things together

As I mentioned in the introduction, the gamut of activities that you guys do together needs to expand beyond sex, and it can't be limited to just household chores. Look for activities together that are fun like camping, hiking, trekking, white water rafting, even cooking, or book reading sessions.

The advantage of these activities is that they enhance your camaraderie and also create a meaningful database of activities that one looks forward to doing together in a sustained way. With time you learn to appreciate each other's strong points and become protective about your weaknesses too. This, in turn, deepens the bond between you two in a meaningful and constructive manner to a large extent.

2. Spend a comfortable time together

It is not just about spending time together but also being comfortable with each other. Unless you are comfortable, you cannot open up. The trick is to work on your mutual understanding and personal space.

It is important to ensure that you both don't encroach into each other's space. That is often how you can be comfortable in each other's presence for a long time without becoming tired. It helps you open up to know each other better and also make the relationship more transparent.

3. Never get tired of talking

I can tell you from experience that my boyfriend is my best friend because I am never tired of speaking to him. We can keep talking to each other for hours and still have more to share. I feel the more you share, the more you care. Talk to him about everything and see how he also starts doing the same to you. That way, you can start appreciating each other's cerebral quotient and create the foundation of a great relationship.

4. Share everything

That is what brings me to the next point. The moment you start talking about everything, it is magical how you learn to share everything too. Sharing is something that always seals the bond of friendship like no other thing. It gives it a sort of definitiveness and lends continuity to the feelings. This is what actually rounds off the friendship between partners in a relationship or even marriage. It creates the need and the reason to equally share everything amongst each other, starting from love to time.

5. Always show empathy and sympathy

This also makes it possible for you to not just sympathize but empathize with your boyfriend. When things are tough, it is this timely expression of empathy or sympathy that gets the job done and helps your partner understand how valuable the bond is that they share with you. They learn to appreciate your feelings and often reciprocate too.

6. Be loyal

Friendship and loyalty go hand in hand. So, if you are looking at ways to make your boyfriend your best friend, a certain amount of loyalty is very important. It is what offers a strong base to the relationship and provides the key trust factor that brings about a sense of dependability to the relationship.

You will agree that dependability and friendship go hand in hand, and one is impossible without the other. So, be loyal to your boyfriend and make sure that you value their love and friendship equally.

7. Don't compare

If you want your boyfriend to be your best friend, stop comparing him with your friend's boyfriends or anyone else for that matter. For your friendship to deepen and strengthen, it is important that you accept him the way he is without complaining much about it.

You have to be comfortable in your skin and feel secure about him. Otherwise, the risk of your insecurities turning into jealousy is quite a possibility, and this often spoils a relationship more than anything else. So, be sensitive to each other's weaknesses and be as supportive as possible to your partner. That is what will kick off the basis of a long-standing friendship.

8. Stand by their side

When your boyfriend is your best friend, one golden rule has to be that never leave your friend's side. So, even if the world is against him, you should not doubt him.

Your mutual loyalty and transparency in the relationship call for complete trust, and when your boyfriend sees that depth of feelings, emotion, and trust, it goes without saying that he will reciprocate too and watch your back, no matter what. It is often this unsaid rule of friendship that seals the long-term born between partners in a relationship. It slowly transforms the mutual attraction to a need and wants for each other's companionship, and that is often how relationships keep becoming deeper and stronger over a point of time.

Friendship Is the Foremost Step to Your Romantic Relationship

Therefore, it is quite clear, the secret to how to be friends with your boyfriend is about being honest, sensitive, and investing considerable time and attention to the relationship. The fact is, the mutual attraction between two people wears out with time, but the strong bond of life-long friendship continues.

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.