Whether you think someone is cool and you would love to be their friend, or you think they're hot and you would love to date them; the first step is how to get someone to like you.
You can't directly come out and say "please like me," that's weird and silly. So we must think of ways to be likable instead. This will allow you to make friends in a natural way without coming off desperate or odd. These simple but effective rules are easy to follow and are what you need to establish a lasting relationship.
How to Get Someone to Like You
It's normal to feel shy or intimidated when meeting someone new. If the person happens to be particularly interested or attractive to you, your nerves will likely make you feel even more unsure of yourself. But don't doubt your ability to make someone like you. Just like your parents told you, "be yourself." If you haven't found helpful advice, here are some easy tips on how to make someone like you.
Tip 1: Smile
A warm and inviting smile will disarm anyone who might be nervous. Flashing a sincere smile will put people at ease. People generally like happy people with positive energy. Smiles are contagious and are a great way of showing that you are an easy-going, cheerful person. We all know that life can be difficult at times, but there's no point in focusing on that. Be a breath of fresh air that brings light into every room you enter. A bright smile might have the person you like approaching you before you find the courage to approach them first.
Tip 2: Be positive
No one likes a Debbie downer, so always try your best to be a positive person. One person who's always miserable only sees doom and gloom in everything. These kinds of people are draining to be around and frankly, people will avoid interacting with them if they can. Have a positive outlook on even the most annoying of situations and people will begin to notice that they feel cheerful and positive whenever you are around.
Tip 3: Be honest
Everyone has a keen sense on it if the person they are talking to is honest and open or closed off and insincere. We feel at ease in the company of people who are transparent and open. These traits allow others to feel that they can get close to you and they will feel safe around you. You're probably not hiding the fact that you could be a serial killer (for example). Even when honest people say things that can be quite shocking, most people will find it amusing or refreshing to be around someone who says it like it is.
Tip 4: Give compliments
We all like to hear nice things about ourselves and compliments are the easiest way to make a good first impression. Most people do their hair/make-up and dress to make themselves look their best. It is always appreciated when this effort is noticed and admired. Compliments will help you make friends fast. Find the shining point and then make sure they are truthful and specific.
Tip 5: Find out their interests
Are they into Marvel movies or nature documentaries? Find out their interest and then you establish a good basis to build a relationship. Shared interests make for great conversations that extend to more topics. You'll be surprised how much you can learn about someone when you speak with them about the things they are passionate about. So how to make someone interested in you? Find a common hobby.
Tip 6: Get to know them
It's fair to say that the majority of people like to talk about themselves. To be seen as a good friend, it's important that you demonstrate that you care about what they are saying to you. You show you care by asking them questions about themselves. They will appreciate your genuine interest and as they open up, they will feel closer to you.
Tip 7: Don't hide your flaws
When thinking about how to make someone like you, you might believe that showing only your best attributes and strengths is the way to go. Sometimes the opposite is true. Being able to show your weaknesses and flaws will make you a far more likable person. Nobody is perfect. Pretending that you are is unrealistic and misleading. Hiding your flaws will make people uncomfortable because we all have our problems and we feel better when we can share them or at least relate to them with others.
Tip 8: Spend more time with them
Spending as much time as possible with the person you like is probably the easiest way to get them to like you. Provided you are a good company and the person enjoys being around you, you are pretty much guaranteed to start liking each other more. It's human nature that we grow attached to the people we spend the most time with. This is why there are so many workplace romances or even affairs that develop between employers and employees. The time spent together makes feelings grow. Find a way to spend more time with the person you like so they'll grow to like you back.
Tip 9: Play the role of a good listener
In healthy communication, listening is more powerful than speaking. Similarly, in developing a friendship or relationship being a good listener is vital. People love to be heard and value those who are kind, caring and patient enough to give their time to sit and hear what they say. This is a great way to let affection blossom in the other person, while learning so much about them at the same time. The more you learn about the person, the easier your relationship will be in the future. You know what they like and dislike and you'll understand how they think.
Tip 10: Share your secrets
In planning how to make someone interested in you, an effective tip is to share your secrets. When you tell someone something very private, not only does it make you feel closer to each other, it makes the other person feel special. You understand that the person has given you something that they don't give to many people yet they chose to share it with you. So if you want someone to be interested in you, as long as you are sure you trust them and are comfortable with them, go ahead and share some of your secrets.
Tip 11: Try mirroring them
There are some innocent physiological tricks you can play to get someone to like you. Mirroring is when you copy the body language, speech pattern or speech volume of the person you are speaking to. This will make them think that you are a similar kind of person and you both are on the same wavelength. Copying body language puts others at ease and they will notice that they find it easy to talk to you. It's a great way to make new friends.
Tip 12: Be available
We all have times when we really need someone to talk or we just want a company to avoid feeling lonely. To be liked deeply by someone, you should always be there for them. Whether they just want to go for a walk in the park on a cold day or watch a movie that you would rather not see alone. Putting the other person's needs first, at that moment would mean a lot to them. It'll usually be something that their other friends or ex always refused to do with them. However, if you can be the person they can count on, in good times and in bad, it'll make you into a friend that is not only liked but cherished.
You will notice that all these tips on how to get someone to like you, involves being open, honest and interested in the person you like. It's important that you are attitude towards wanting to get to know them and they will surely show you the same in return. Whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship, the requirements are the same. It is recommended that you focus on building a solid friendship before even pursuing a romantic one. This is the best way to grow a healthy, happy, lifelong camaraderie.