Definite Signs He Will Never Come Back for Another Try

They say hope dies last and maybe that's what you need right now, to kill that warm feeling that you will get back together with your ex. It sounds brutal and it is excruciating for sure. But, as soon as you accept your relationship has ended, you can start focusing on yourself again and stop obsessing about an aspect that you can no longer fix. Although you might not feel prepared to take this step, it would be good for you to at least go through a list of signs he will never come back. In this way, you will be able to change your mindset and start fresh.

Behavioral Traits Specific to Permanent Breakups

Starting fresh might not sound appealing to you for now, but at some point, you might have to do so. That's why it's best to prepare yourself for whatever comes next. No one can know for sure what is going to happen. However, behavioral studies show the most probable outcome from a certain situation.

1. He refuses to communicate

After a breakup, be it temporary or permanent, the two people involved usually don't talk for at least a few days. However, if this period of time gets longer, you should ask yourself whether or not that is ever going to happen again. The pain you are suffering right now is overwhelming and hard to control. Not hearing from your ex is not helping. So, when there are no signs he wants you back, it is normal to assume he doesn't, regardless of how much this hurts you.

2. Your ex removes you from social networks

When he no longer replies to your texts or answers your calls, it means he doesn't want to talk to you anymore. In addition, when he also blocks you from all his social media accounts, things get pretty clear. He could do so because he really wants to move on and doesn't want to see what you're up to anymore. Or, he could cut you off because getting in contact with you is no longer something that he wants to do. In this case, try to use your rational side and don't despair. Time to start accepting the breakup and start healing.

3. He relocates in another city

If you are still asking yourself "does he want me back?" and you find out that he moved far away from you, then maybe you should stop. You might feel a profound love for this man. However, if he relocated and he didn't even tell you, then he has probably started a new life somewhere else. A man with reconciliation desires wouldn't just move away without you about it. So, try not to look for excuses, such as he had to move away for his job and so on.

4. Your ex started a new relationship

Some men, as well as some women, tend to look for one night stands or rebound relationships after ending a serious relationship. While that's not a healthy thing to do, it could mean nothing. Things change when your ex actually gets involved in another relationship and he's serious about it. So, try not to freak out if you see him with another woman. Stay alert in case he doesn't realize you are in fact the one he wants. Also, don't go as far as blaming the new boo because that's not going to get you anywhere.

5. He returns your personal belongings

Not all breakups are the same. Some people give each other their personal belongings back from the beginning of the breakup, others hold on to them longer. Among the signs he will never come back is asking for his stuff and giving yours back. Beware that when he contacts you, for this reason, it could be for this reason only. Don't hope this is an excuse for him to see you. If that happens, great! Remember, don't get your hopes too high or else you will be too vulnerable to go through this. Being clingy or too emotional is too much for some men to handle.

6. Your ex changes his attitude

Has anyone actually managed to stay friends with an ex? When the resentment goes away, as well as all the negative things that impacted your love life, he could simply want to be friends. What this means is he doesn't see you as a love interest anymore, but he still respects you and the time you spent together. In other words, he will not avoid you or belittle you. He will just treat you like any other friends without any romantic interest.

7. He doesn't feel jealous

Some women tend to think that if they show up with another guy, their exes will immediately feel jealous and will try to win them back. While this sneaky move might work in some cases, it doesn't work for everyone. If he shows signs he wants you back after pulling this trick, then your problem is solved. But, try not to hurt another man's feelings by trying to fix yours.

8. Your ex has trust issues

Trust is the foundation of a healthy romantic relationship. When trust is broken, it could become an unresolvable issue. Did you break your ex-boyfriend's trust? If this is the case, you should try to learn something from this experience and then move on. Trust could be something you can win back, but most of the time the feeling of betrayal is too strong to be removed, even with time. Although you might feel you could fix everything, this is not your decision to make.

9. He does nothing to win you back

Your ex-boyfriend might not cut all communication lines with you, he might not block you off social networks, he could even want to hang out with you. All these could be meaningless because he simply enjoys being around you without being interested in a romantic relationship anymore. How could this happen? Some people just deal with loss differently and trying to understand them might actually torment you.

10. Your ex ghosted you for too long

No one can say how much time is needed for a person to accept what has happened to him or her. It could be days, weeks or even months. Everyone has his or her own healing process. However, when too much time passes and you don't hear anything from your ex-boyfriend, take it as one of the signs he will never come back. Typically, a couple's problems should be discussed in a matter of days if you have broken up badly by fighting and yelling. But if the decision was made calmly, it could be a while until he is ready to face you again if he ever will.

Accept the Signs and Move on

Take the signs as guidelines you will not lengthen your suffering. Take them as an opportunity to quickly begin your healing process and better yourself. You cannot change what happened between you and your ex-boyfriend, but you have the power to control what happens next with you. A better you means a more loveable you which means progress. Knowing is much better than waiting in vain.

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