Get Well Soon Messages for Your Nearest and Dearest

Don't underestimate the power of sending good wishes to your loved ones during the times they are ill or not feeling their best. A thoughtful card will put a smile on their face and lift their spirits.

Some sweet words written in a beautifully designed card might even help them to recover more quickly. You can sympathize with and inspire your girlfriend, family member, or coworker with these get well soon messages.

Get Well Soon Messages

The collection of messages below are just what the doctor ordered for improving the spirits of those nearest and dearest to us. Whether you are looking for romantic get well soon messages for her or funny get well soon messages for your coworkers, you are sure to find the perfect well wishes to send to your loved one in our collection here.

At the very least, they should help you feel inspired to write some similarly thoughtful words of your own.

1. Get well soon messages for her

Dear Sally,

I just want you to know that you mean so much to me. Please hurry up and get well soon so I can hold you close to me once again.

All my love,


  • I know the doctor says it's the medicine that will make you well again, but I believe my hugs and kisses will help quite a lot as well. I hope you feel better soon, my love.

  • I love you, and I hate that you're sick. Get well soon, my darling.

  • Sickness is not fair. You're way too nice a person to become this sick. Get better soon so you are as happy as you deserve to be.

  • When you are ill and not here, I realize just how much I need you. Please get well soon and come back to me.

  • I am confident that I can protect you from any danger in life, but I am devastated that I cannot protect you from illness. You'll have to fight this one for me. I'm confident you'll beat it.

  • If you need anyone to come over and tell you how gorgeous you are and that you don't look sick at all, make sure you call me.

  • There is nothing you wouldn't do to get my attention! Well, you've got it for as long as it takes for you to be all better.

  • I miss you so much. Please get well soon and get back to your amazing self.

  • I hope it helps you feel a little better to know how lovingly you're thought of and how much you are missed.

  • I can't believe my favorite person is not here to laugh and hang out with me. You have to get better soon, because I am lost without you.

  • I love you and think of you all the time. Sending you loving and healing vibes!

  • I'm sending a little get well sunshine your way, because you're always there to brighten up my day.

  • I wish I could be your nurse and make all your sickness go away, but until then, I will wish that you are all better and pray for your health.

  • No matter what, and no matter when, I will be there for you over and over again.

  • I don't know what to say, except I love you and I'm thinking of you. I Just hope you get well soon.

  • Dear little birdie, please carry this get well soon message for her to know how much I'm thinking of her and wishing her well.

  • Germs, just like me, find you completely irresistible! Get well soon, my darling.

  • You are all I'm thinking about. I miss you desperately and wish you a speedy recovery.

  • It hurts me to see you feeling so unwell. I wish I could make you all better, but for now, I will wish you a speedy recovery to bring you back to me.

2. Get well soon messages for him

Dear Mark

I want to remind you how strong you are. I'm thinking about you all day, every day and hope you will get well soon.

Lots of love,


  • Promise me you won't be miserable. Think of this as an opportunity to catch up on [insert their favorite tv show]!

  • This fever is no match for you! I know you'll recover in no time.

  • I'm sending you all my love, prayers, and healing vibes. Please get well soon.

  • The house just isn't the same without you here. Please try to get better soon so you can come home.

  • Recovery is hard work, but we know you can do it! Not a day goes by that you aren't thought of.

  • If you don't get better soon, I might have to take over your side of the bed. If that's not motivation, I don't know what it is! You had better get well soon.

  • Everyone that knows you knows that nothing can stop you. Not even a little [insert injury or illness].

  • Although you are a big strong guy, you really have to take your healing seriously. Take your medication and follow the doctor's orders, and you'll be back to fighting form before you know it.

  • I love you and hope that each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery so you can come back to me.

  • Please be a good patient and just take it one day at a time. You will be completely healthy and smiling once again in no time.

  • I know that you will soon be back to doing all the fun things you love. But for now, please focus on your speedy recovery.

  • I hope you feel steadier, stronger, and better each day.

  • Your only job right now is to get back on your feet, and I'm going to be here every step of the way until you get there.

  • I cannot wait to pamper and spoil you. I will cook all of your favorite foods, and you can play as many hours of video games as you would like. You have to get better first.

  • I miss you so much, and I look forward to your speedy recovery so we can spend more time together!

  • Once you're all better, you'll be up to your old tricks before I know it. But I still want you to get well soon.

  • I pray that good health energizes you, spurring a quick recovery.

  • I hope this little encouragement helps you make a little progress every day during your recuperation.

  • It's so hard to see my strong man knocked down by this sickness, but I know you will beat it soon. Yes, soon you'll be back on your feet, and I can be wrapped in your arms.

3. Get well soon messages for friends and family

My dear friend,

My whole family knows you're under the weather. They all send their wishes to you and are praying for your quick recovery too.

Love from your best friend forever,


  • Try not to think of it as a hospital stay. Think of it as a spa vacation that includes room service, regular health evaluations, and flower deliveries.

  • I may not have a degree in medicine, but I do have friendship's healing touch. Get well soon so we can hang out again!

  • My sweetest friend, may you find fast healing each day until you are well.

  • I asked all our friends what the first thing we should do is in order to make you feel better at this difficult time. We all decided this: "Write a get well soon message for her!" So this is it. Get well soon!

  • Do you see? I told you that you're so great, even germs like you.

  • May all the good wishes and warm thoughts of everyone who cares about you send a little cheerfulness into your world and help you get better quickly.

  • I hope you'll finally get plenty of the peaceful rest you needed so you can heal quickly.

  • Although life has its times of suffering, it also has its times of victory. Your time of suffering is coming to an end and your time of victory is near.

  • I know you're anxious to be better, but please just take it one day at a time, and before you know it, you'll be good as new.

  • I bet all your friends at work miss you. You're a very miss-able person.

  • We are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. We are sending healthy vibes in your direction.

  • I hope this message finds you already healthy, happy, and ready to party!

  • You give so much to others, but you must remember to give yourself the gift of time to heal and recover.

  • Just keep thinking of all the days of laughter and joy we'll have together in the near future once you're all better.

  • You may not be there yet, but you're better than you were yesterday, and you'll be much better tomorrow.

  • We want you to let all of your stresses go. Face this day with happiness, and have faith that everything will get better.

  • The first step towards getting better is to decide that you are not going to stay ill.

  • Good health and happiness are closer than you think, and I'll be there to celebrate with you.

  • I didn't realize how big a role you play in my life. Now that you're not around, I'm really feeling your absence. Please get well and come home!

4. Get well soon messages for a coworker

Dear Julie,

We are sorry to hear you are not feeling great. You are such a valued member of the team, so we wanted to let you know that we miss your presence. Please get well soon. We can't wait to see you around the office again.

Warmest wishes,

Your team.

  • We just wanted to cheer you up with this little message. Get well soon so we can make fun of you again and not feel bad about it.

  • I'm sorry you had to use your sick day. Get well soon.

  • You should know that we're thinking of you a lot and hoping for your speedy recovery.

  • I hope you swing back into action fast so that we can have a blast! We all miss you.

  • The good thing about these health challenges is that when you recover, you get to feel the exhilaration of life renewed.

  • There are easier ways to get out of work, you know! I hope you'll soon be on the mend.

  • Please be strong, because things will surely get better. Although it may be stormy now, it will never rain forever.

  • Can you feel that? We are all sending healing vibes in your direction for your speedy recovery.

  • Hang in there. You'll be all better before you know it, and you'll be back at work with us.

  • When the boss was ill, we all thought of get well soon quotes for her, but now that you're ill, we were thinking a thoughtful message would be nicer! We are thinking of you at this difficult time.

  • Be sure to take extra care of yourself. We all are looking forward to welcoming you back.

  • Through the experience of trial and suffering, the soul is strengthened, ambition is inspired, and success is achieved. We know you'll be back better and stronger.

  • May you do not give up, and we pray you do not allow the problem to defeat you. We know you are stronger than this illness. Get well soon.

  • Remember that you are in our thoughts and prayers throughout this trying time.

  • As they say, tough times don't last, but tough people do. We know you'll get through this soon.

  • Everyone at work sends their wishes. We hope you feel a little better every day.

  • You are so good at so many things. We are confident that you'll find a solution to this too!

  • Being sick sucks, but we know that you won't let it hold you back for long. We hope you are on the mend soon.

  • Use your superpowers of productivity to get well soon. We are sending you positive energy and wish you a speedy recovery.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.