How Do Girls Flirt? Steps to Decipher Their Code

The behavioral traits of a woman can be seen as a code. And just like any other code, it can be cracked. So, instead of beating yourself up with questions about a girl who is paying attention to you lately, you can focus on identifying and translating the way she is interacting with you on multiple levels.

More specifically, you can observe her body language, the tone of her voice, and her subtle messages. How do girls flirt? Use your reasoning skills and the following tips to quickly notice when a girl is flirting with you.

Definite Signs a Girl Is Flirting

What's great about taking a step back and observing whether a girl is flirting with you or if she is just friendly is the fact that she might not even be aware of the signals she's sending. That's why you can unlock her intentions and set yours if you look out for the signs mentioned below.

1. Her body language gives her away

Watching a girl's body language proves to be very helpful when trying to learn how to know if a girl is flirting with you. Based on an evolutionary social tactic meant to ensure adaptability, mimicking one's physical position is a sign of attraction. In other words, when you talk to her face to face, change the position of your arms or legs and see if she does the same. In the case of interest, she will unconsciously mimic your position.

Another great non-verbal flirting sign is the position of her feet when she is interacting with you. This is also based on unconsciously pointing the feet towards what interests us or towards what we want.

The way a woman uses her hands in your presence is also an indicator of attraction or disinterest. A very common sign is when she plays with her hair. She might do so in a playful, sensual way while she listens to what you have to say.

How else do you know if a girl is flirting with you? She smiles at you when she sees you or approaches you with a smile. She seems generally happy in your presence.

2. Intentional body contact

While the signs listed above are not deliberately sent by a woman, intentional body contact is. More specifically, if a girl touches you frequently, it means that she is trying to get as close to you as possible. When she is knowingly invading your personal space, she is telling you that she desires to touch and get touched.

The most common body parts that women choose to touch are the shoulders, middle back, or even knees. In addition, her touch is soft and intimate; nothing like a tap on the back.

3. Tone of voice heightens and speech speed increases

When a girl is flirting with you and she is not just being friendly, her voice is likely to transform. Listen to the tone of her voice carefully. If she likes you, her pitch will rise. Also, because of the adrenaline running through her veins due to her crush on you, she will speak faster.

If you can't figure out if these two signs apply, then listen to her voice when she picks up her phone, when she orders something and so on. The difference will be noticeable.

4. She looks at you intensely

According to a study done in 1989 called "Looking and loving: The effects of mutual gaze on feelings of romantic love", two people can fall in love if they gaze into each other's eyes for a long period of time. Therefore, if she is trying to make eye contact all the time and she doesn't look away quickly, then she is romantically interested in you.

5. She wants to spend time with you alone

How do girls flirt? They often look for excuses to spend time alone with you. Examples in this regard are hard to give, because each girl's method differs. In any case, you can clearly pick up a signal if she invites you somewhere or if she is asking for your help even though she doesn't really need it.

In addition, pay attention to her questions when you two are alone. Is she trying to get to know you better by being a little intrusive? If so, she is a flirty one!

6. You receive flirty texts from her

Having a girl texting you is already a good sign. Now, is she trying to be funny or is she sending you something to laugh at? If so, then she is probably flirting and trying to break the ice using humor. In addition, if she is the one who normally texts you first, this is also an obvious sign of interest.

7. She makes jokes and laughs at yours

As long asga girl is making jokes but she isn't mean to you, then she might be interested. Also, when a girl is laughing at your jokes, especially if they might not be very funny, then you can call it flirting.

However, don't feel offended because she chooses to laugh at all your jokes though they aren't all very funny. This is just her way of standing out and signaling you. If you notice this, you deciphered her code!

8. Effortless conversation partner

When a girl is flirting with you, she is easy to talk to. Your conversations run smooth, and there is no awkward silence. She becomes a natural speaker in your presence.

Conversely, if you are the one doing all the talking, and she answers monosyllabically, then you are the one trying to flirt.

Spot the Friendly Girls

  • She respects your personal space. A friendly girl doesn't sit very close to men she isn't romantically interested in. She respects the personal space and wants them to do the same.

  • No touching is involved. She doesn't initiate any kind of touching. Or, she doesn't go any further than giving you a high five or a fist bump.

  • She doesn't reject your small talk. Girls who enjoy talking to people in general don't reject anyone's small talk. However, their answers are brief and to the point.

  • Her questions are superficial. Because she isn't genuinely interested in you, when she asks you something, it is superficial. This is a sign she is only being friendly.

  • She is not focusing on you. Whenever you both talk, she is not gazing into your eyes for long. She is also looking around her, actively observing what happens, perhaps interacting with other people, too.

  • Friendly girls smile and laugh with everybody. Whenever you are not sure whether a woman is interested in you or not, watch her closely when she meets other people. Is she as charismatic as she is with you? If so, she is most likely just friendly rather than flirting.

  • She talks about other guys. When other guys turn up in your conversation, she is either not interested or she is trying to make you jealous. The latter is not really a great quality, so you might want to think twice about her.

Take Action If Needed

Most girls flirt, but they rarely express their intentions clearly. That's why it's important for you to take action if you notice signs that show interest. In case you get mixed messages, the safest way is to just ask that girl out. However, always be prepared for rejection.

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