How to Deal With the Situation if Another Girl Likes Your Boyfriend

It's so frustrating to see another girl in your mutual friends group or acquaintances flirt with your boyfriend in public. It's a very unpleasant situation, and you don't know how to deal with it. Women usually approach it in two ways. Either they overreact and show that they are insecure or they do nothing which sends a message that the girlfriend is weak. You can handle this situation without creating a scene if you do it smartly. Men are a little clueless when a female friend tries to be very close, touches him a lot, and shows interest in him. It's important to keep your anger in control and not let jealousy and anger take control of you. So, stay calm and think about what to do if another girl likes your boyfriend.

Analyze the Situation

You can't simply keep on ignoring if another girl is always finding opportunities to be close to your boyfriend. That's why you must know how to tell if your boyfriend's female friend likes him. Analyze the situation and deal with it in a mature way. Here are three things you can do before taking any action.

1. See how she behaves

The first thing that you have to see and analyze is her behavior. See if she flirts with most guys or she is paying special attention to your boyfriend. If you feel that she gives special attention to your boyfriend only and ignores you, then it's time to take things in your own hands. Read her body language and analyze how she behaves around him. Look out for following signs his female friend likes him:

  • She makes long and captivating eye contact with him.

  • She touches him frequently on shoulders, arms, and hands.

  • She starts her conversation by addressing him.

  • She laughs at all his jokes.

  • She compliments him more often.

2. Observe his attitude

If you see that your boyfriend enjoys all this attention, don't take it as a sign that he is interested in her. Most men enjoy the compliments and attention that come from a woman. If they are only talking and laughing within decent boundaries, then you don't have to worry about your boyfriend. But if he responds positively to her advances such as patting her on the back or hugging her for too long, then you should know that something is wrong.

3. Excessive communication

Besides noticing how they behave in front of you, try to find out if she calls or texts him quite a lot. If your boyfriend doesn't get defensive about receiving her calls and texts, then you don't need to put the blame on your boyfriend. But if he is very secretive about talking to her or texting her, it's a red flag. Don't check his phone because it can harm your relationship. Also, analyze how they talk to each other. If their conversation is getting unbearably "frank" and you can't understand their "inside jokes", it might not be a good sign.

6 Ways to Deal With This Situation

Now that you have observed everything, try to process it and make sure that you are not making judgements without separating facts from your emotional bias. Before you talk to your boyfriend or take any action, you should go over everything once again and double-check the facts. Let's get to some advice on what to do if another girl likes your boyfriend.

1. Take actions based on facts

It is easy to get carried away with negative emotions and fears. That is why it is important for you to observe their behavior very closely. Think about what is bothering you and make sure that you go over the facts without getting angry. Don't simply think about the actions of the other girl. Take into account how your boyfriend responds to her advances.

2. Arrange a date for her

One of the best strategies is to set her with a nice guy. It will not seem rude or awkward as you can arrange for a double date. You and your boyfriend can have a good time if another guy is there to give her company. Try to find someone who can be very interesting to her so that she can move on from your boyfriend.

3. Invite her out and show your attitude clearly

Now is the time to take control of the situation. You should avoid creating a scene in public, but you can make things clear by inviting her out. It is better to talk to one on one if nothing else works. Make it clear that you are in a committed relationship with your boyfriend, and she should stop intruding.

4. Never go wild

You do get jealous if someone tries to get close to your partner. It's natural, and you don't have to run away from these feelings. Acknowledge your feelings, but don't act on them. Sometimes you really want to slap her or confront your partner, but accusing them without any proof will create a distance between you and your boyfriend. The last thing you want to do is to look like a jealous and insecure woman. She wins if you go wild in public.

5. Show your affection when you three get together

It's like giving a strong message to the other person that you and your partner love each other. You can even discuss with your partner that it's not okay to keep up with his "friendliness" because it is affecting the relationship. This way, both you and your partner can be prepared to show your affection for each other when you three get together. Hug, kiss or hold his hands to show your affection and make it clear that your boyfriend is not available for other women.

6. Calmly talk to your boyfriend

It's always best to talk about your concerns without letting this drama drag along too far. Choose a time and place where both of you are relaxed. You can simply tell him that you don't have a problem with their friendship, but some things make you uncomfortable. Tell him what makes you uneasy and set some clear boundaries. Don't come as aggressive and controlling. Simply voice your concerns and be open about what is acceptable and what is not. Your boyfriend's assurance and positive response will resolve the situation more quickly, and you will feel more at ease.

Work on Building Trust

Trust issues are never good when you want to have a long-term relationship with your partner. Even if another girl shows interest in your man and flirts with him, your mutual trust will not let her create a rift between you and your significant other. Try to analyze the situation, separate facts from your feelings, and act accordingly. Try to set her up with another guy and make your relationship status clear to her. If she continues with her behavior, talk to your boyfriend without getting angry and accusing him. Do new things together as a couple to strengthen your relationship and designate quality time for "just the two of you". Then no one can intrude or step on what you have for each other.

Rabiya Ehtasahm
2015366 Article 72

Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.