How to Handle Being Horny

Are you aware of how important a healthy libido and sex life are? If your sexual urges are too high, they can start interfering with your day, both at work and at home. More crucially, the desire that is usually the glue for a good relationship can be overpowering and threaten to tear your partnership apart.

You may try to manage your sex drive with masturbation or just desperately trying to think of something else. If you're battling with how to stop being so horny, try these tips to help you try and overcome your urges.

1. Find the Root Cause of Your High Libido

If your libido seems abnormally high, this could be cause for concern. Sometimes an unhealthy sexual appetite can be the result of trauma. So don't dismiss the issue too readily. More likely, your libido might be the result of added stress in your life seeking some form of outlet. If that's the case, dealing with the underlying stress can be crucial.

Stress is known to affect your health poorly and can lead to long-term high blood pressure and heart disease. So it's important to find out what is causing your behavior and address it.

2. Keep Yourself Active and Busy

Learning how to stop being horny is sometimes a matter of simply changing the focus when you feel tense. Find something else to preoccupy your mind. Take up a hobby you've been wanting to or perhaps do some spring cleaning you've been putting off.

Try to find something that will engage both your mind and body, and put that extra energy to some constructive use. Logically speaking, if you have all that excess energy, you might as well put it to good use and tackle something you've been meaning to do.

3. Exercise Regularly

Your body might be trying to tell you something and it might not be just about sex. If you're finding your body behaving oddly, such as poor sleep, changing appetite, or yes, changing sex drive, it could be that you need to get more exercise.

Exercise helps your body strengthen and regulate itself. It will also help preoccupy your mind or even clear it completely. And exercise has the added benefit of actually doing something good for you while helping you curb your sexual cravings. Not to mention, healthier people can engage in more fulfilling and exciting sex. So think of it as Olympic training for the bedroom.

4. Take a Cold Shower

This is a cliche, because it works. A really quick way to get your mind off sex is the bracing shock of a cold shower. It will numb nerve endings and help diminish that overactive libido. And it will also work because, well, it's a cold shower. There's nothing sexy about freezing. And if you take up that tip on exercising, this is a great way to help treat some sore muscles after a long run.

5. Meditate

Meditation is nature's way of calming down. A relaxing stretch and a peaceful meditation session can help you banish those sexual urges. Emptying your thoughts will give you a break from those fantasies that might be distracting you all day. It also gives your body a chance to unwind and release those pent up feelings of tension that have been clearly trying to express themselves in other ways.

6. Have Regular Sex

Sometimes, the best cure for how to stop feeling horny is to indulge yourself. Don't misunderstand this; no one is suggesting you become a sex maniac or anything. But it could be that you actually just need some sexual release if you have been going too long without it.

Here's an important tip for the male readers: a lack of regular ejaculations can increase your risk of prostate cancer. Yes, there is actually a medical necessity for you to climax on occasion.

7. Change Your Diet (What to Eat and Avoid)

Some foods are proven aphrodisiacs. So if you're having trouble controlling your sexual urges, try avoiding foods such as almonds, steak, celery, oatmeal, broccoli, and avocado.

8. Avoid Clothes That Rub

This one is especially for men. You were born with genitalia on the outside of your body. What you wear has a big impact on how horny you are throughout the day. Try and select snug clothing and avoid fabrics that slide around easily, like silk. You want to be held firmly with minimal caressing of your sensitive areas.

9. Masturbate

Before you tell your partner that they need to help save you from prostate cancer, let's keep one thing in mind, fellas: you can take care of the problem yourself.

While doctors and psychologists agree that it is unhealthy to masturbate to the point of obsession, it is an excellent and easy way to reduce your libido on occasion with minimal fuss and complication. (Though it never hurts to ask your girl if she wants to help keep you free from cancer.)

10. Seek a Professional

Lastly, it is possible you might need to seek some professional help. You could have a serious medical condition that is contributing to a hormone imbalance. Alternately, it could be symptomatic of some deeper trauma which a therapist could help you explore. Sexual irregularity can be a serious matter.

Keep an Even Keel

In the end, you shouldn't be asking how to stop being horny so much as how to be, well, reasonably horny. Being horny and having a healthy libido is normal. In fact, it is an indicator that you're in good health.

However, if you're obsessing and thinking of sex all day, every day, something could be terribly wrong. Whether it has underlying physical or psychological reasons, find out the source or get help. To do so is for your own well being.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.