Is He My Forever Partner?

Have you met the man of your dreams? Are you wondering, "Is he my forever"? Just because he's a great guy doesn't mean he is Mr. Right. That depends on your chemistry. Let's take a look at 10 signs he might be your forever partner.

1. You Share the Same Values

To truly get along, you and your partner need to share the same values. Don't misunderstand, opposites do attract. This doesn't mean you have to agree on everything. What this means is you agree on important matters like morality and family. This is manifested in how you treat your parents, the importance of family, charity and many more. Hopefully, your guy will agree with you on all, if not most, of these issues or it could create a lot of friction down the road.

2. You Are Honest With Each Other

We all have flaws. That is what makes us human. When we start dating we all, with varying degrees of success, tend to hide those flaws. But when you're considering a relationship to last a lifetime, how long do you think you'll be able to hide those flaws? The truth is, you won't be able to at all. Besides, why would you want to? You need to be honest with your partner and let him see you for who you really are, flaws included. If he is the right one, he will love you not only despite your flaws, but maybe even because of them. You should truly be able to say, "I feel comfortable around him being myself."

3. You Include Each Other in Your Lives

Do you go through life as a team? One sign to look for is how much you include each other in your own lives. When you get home from work, do you tell your partner about your day? The highs, lows and all the details? Does your partner listen and care? Do they reciprocate? If the answer is a bunch of yeses, then you live as a team and this is an excellent sign.

4. You Ask for Advice on Important Matters

When you meet someone you feel you've known forever, trust is second nature. Do you naturally seek your partner's advice on important decisions? If yes, this is an excellent sign he may be the one. That inherent trust is usually an indicator of love. It's not that he's smarter than everyone else you know, it's that you automatically assume he has your well being in mind.

5. You Plan Your Finances Together

One of the biggest struggles couples have is managing money. If you're able to tackle this issue, you are far ahead of most other couples. Spending is both a matter of responsibilities and preferences, both of which you may have different opinions. Perhaps you prefer to pay some of your credit card balance off each month, but he prefers to pay it off completely each time. Or perhaps he likes to go out to eat more often than you. To be a successful couple, you need to strike a balance between your own desires and your partners.

6. You Go Through Rough Times Together

Going through the good times as a couple is easy. After all, that's the fun part of being in a couple. That's why you're with him in the first place, right? But to answer the question is he my forever, you have to see how you two hold up during the bad times. Rough times are where you truly get to know your partner. How do they act when the going gets rough? Are they every-man-for-themselves? Or do they put you first? This is an excellent measure of how important you actually are to your partner.

7. You Inspire Each Other to Be Better

A true relationship isn't a competition. Or better, it is a competition, but it is not between you and your guy – it's between you two and the world. Racing to the front door; playing rock, paper, scissors to see who does the dishes; or having a good tickle fight – these are all just fun and games in a relationship. When it comes to the serious business though, how your partner acts towards you says a lot about your relationship. If he cheers on your successes and helps you strive to always accomplish more and isn't intimidated by your achievements, then chances are he might be the one.

8. You Start Thinking About True Love

Love is easy. You believe in love. But true love? True love is scary. True love is seeing a guy as a possible partner for life. True love leaves you vulnerable. However, if your thoughts on that guy seem to revolve around true love, this could be a good sign. While your conscious mind may be unsure, your subconscious is already saying, "Is he my forever? Yes!" So take the feelings you are having as a sign that he is the one.

9. You Can Ask for What You Need and Not Worry About How You Say It

We learn early in life that people tend to do things for themselves, not you. So we learn to phrase our questions carefully. We show them the benefits they may get from helping us. In a strong relationship, you'll slowly find this less and less necessary as you grow as a couple. The reason is that your partner is concerned with what you need more than what they need. This is a pivotal point in a relationship that cannot be overstated and is one of the strongest indicators he might be the man of your life.

10. You Forgive Each Other

We all hear the adage that no one is perfect. You also probably think you're pretty good at forgiving people when they mess up. After all, to err is human. But there is a big difference between forgiveness and actually letting it go and forgetting about it. It's good to remember that no one is perfect and there will be times your partner lets you down. In a good relationship, you'll accept an apology and move on. In a good relationship, you will truly forgive them in your heart. The little things will seem to matter far less than all the joy that the person in your life brings you.

So Is He the Right Guy?

As we've seen, there are many ways to gauge the strength of your relationship and determine; is he my forever? Overall though, the best way is to simply follow your heart. This is because you will know if the happiness he brings outweighs the negative. But if you're unsure, we hope these 10 signs will help you to decide if he's really your knight in shining armor.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.