Keep the Communication in Your Relationship Going With Text Games!

Whether you are in a long-distance relationship, or you just want to keep the communication fun with your dearest - playing games by text is a great way to do so!

There are some great texting games you shouldn’t miss out on. Playing games on chatting apps or even by email will give you and your loved ones hours of entertainment and you can share some laughs that will make you feel closer - no matter the distance between you!

15 Games to Play Over Text

Your days of dull greetings and dry conversations will be over as soon as you start playing games by text together! We have chosen 15 of the most fun games to play on chat. Choose the one that sounds the most interesting for you and your long-distance lover, and start enjoying and sharing an activity that is simple yet special.

1. Would You Rather

This game is easy and interesting. You and your partner take turns asking each other two random, difficult questions. You will have to choose which one you would prefer. You can learn so much more about each other by playing this game!

Tip: Remember to make your two options difficult, this makes the game more fun!

Example: ‘Would you rather exercise all day or write essays all day?’

2. Never Have I Ever

This game is usually played with shots of alcohol as a penalty for losing. But it works just as well over text if you start the game with 20 points each. The rules of the game; state ‘never have I ever’ before saying something weird, naughty or embarrassing. If either of you has done it then you lose a point. Whoever has the most points after 20 questions win the game.

Tip: You must be honest!

Example: ‘Never have I ever wet myself as an adult’. If your partner has wet themselves since they’ve been an adult, they lose one point.

3. 20 Questions

20 Questions used to be a game show on tv, now it’s one of our favorite games to play over text! Start the game by thinking of a noun - a person, place or thing. Your partner will guess what you have chosen by asking 20 questions. Your answers should be ‘yes, no, usually, sometimes or rarely’. Whoever is able to guess correctly with the least amount of questions, wins.

Tip: It helps to keep the first questions very general.

Example: Is it alive? Can I eat it? Is it found inside a house?

4. Story Time

We used to play this game in English class and you can make it as exciting or fun as your imagination allows! You start playing, Story Time, by taking turns sending one line of your story, then slowly building a strange and interesting story together.

Tip: Try to make it flow but make your lines unexpected.

Example: Line 1- ‘There was once a wonderful’ Line 2- ‘forest that had magical’

5. Q & A

Q & A - means Question and Answer of course! It’s a simple game and can be played in different ways. It’s one of the games to play on chat that allows you to learn more about each other, depending on the questions you choose to ask. The main rule is that every question asked must be answered.

Tip: Ask questions about your partner that you really want to know.

Example: ‘How old were you when you had your first kiss?’ ‘How many children do you see yourself having?’

6. What If

What If, is another personalized question game that is fun to play by text or email. Ask your partner some crazy scenario questions. This is where they will have to say what they would do if a particular event were to happen. This is a good game with plenty of laughs.

Tip: For maximum amusement, make your questions as unlikely as possible!

Example: ‘What if you found an alien in your bedroom?’

7. Emoji Invasion

Have coded conversations with your partner when you play Emoji Invasion. This is definitely one of the most entertaining games to play over text because it’s likely you both will be wrong most of the time! You will each send a message using only emojis and the receiver will have to guess what the sender is trying to say. If you get it right, you win a point. The person with the most points wins the game.

Tip: Make sure you both have up to date keyboards so that you are seeing the same emoji - imagine the confusion if not!

Example: ‘smiley face thumbs up sleepy face‘ = means I had a good day, but now I’m tired.

8. Trivia

Test each other’s general knowledge by playing the classic Trivia game by text. Take turns asking your partner questions on science, history, politics or pick any topic you like. The person with the most correct answers wins the game.

Tip: No googling!

Example: ‘What year did the current American president come into power?’

9. Sing It To Me

Sing It To Me, is a very straightforward game where you and your partner can only communicate by song titles or lyrics. The first person who is unable to respond with a suitable song reference loses a point and the person with the most points wins the game.

Tip: Love songs are the easiest to use in this game!

Example: ‘Hello, is it me you’re looking for?’ ‘Hello from the other side’

10. Kiss, Marry, Kill

Yep, it’s the same game we used to play in class when we were supposed to be studying! Kiss, Marry, Kill is even more fun when it’s one of your games to play over text. If you have never played it before, the rules are simple. You can pick 3 famous people or 3 people you know and take turns asking who your partner would kiss, marry or kill.

Tip: To make it extra interesting, you have to explain why!

Example: ‘Your neighbor, your boss, my dad -who would you kiss, marry or kill?’

11. Unscramble

If you or your partner like word games you will certainly enjoy this one. First, you chose a word and then, you both have to come up with the most amount of words that can be made from the letters in the word. The person with the most words wins.

Tip: Choose a long word.

Example: ‘Homophone - home, mop, phone, one, hope……’

12. Make A Joint Bucket List

This is more of an activity than a game, so if your partner isn‘t much of a gamer this is still a great bonding activity for you to do together. A bucket list is a list of activities you would love to do in the future. Each of you will take turns to add to your joint bucket list. It’s also a wonderful way to plan your future together and learn more about the things your partner likes.

Tip: For extra romance, make the things you would like to do, be with each other.

Example: Hiking in the Californian hills, A cruise to Venice.

13. Rhymes

Get in touch with your literary creative side by writing rhymes with your partner. This is one of the more sophisticated games to play on chat with your long-distance lover. Consider it a modern way of sending love letters, except you are sending one line each that must rhyme with the line your partner sent before. Whoever is not able to come up with a line to rhyme, loses.

Tip: Try to make sure it makes sense.

Example: ‘Missing you makes me blue’ ‘All day long, I think of you’

14. Let’s Take A Trip

Let’s Take A Trip is a cute little game where you and your partner pretend you are taking a trip together. You’ll take turns to state an item you will take on your trip, but its first letter must be in alphabetical order.

Tip: It can be realistic or silly.

Example: Let’s take a trip and take "an Airbed" "a Blanket" " A Charger" "a Diary"

15. I Spy

This is one of the more involved texting games as you will have to send a picture of your current location to your partner. Then you can play, I Spy, just as you did as a child. You and your partner will take turns giving the first letter of something you can see in the picture. You can have a set number of guesses before you have to give up and lose 1 point. It’s a really good way for you to share experiences - it may even feel like you are together and seeing the same things!

Tip: Try to take a picture that has many things to see.

Example: ‘I spy with my little eye, something beginning with S’ - it could be a shoe in the corner of the picture.


Communication is very important in healthy relationships however it’s not always easy to have topics to talk about when you are apart and living different lives. But now you will have plenty of ways to keep your long-distance relationships, close and interesting. The games listed above will keep your conversations going and you will feel more connected to your loved ones.
Try them all and enjoy the time shared together, once again.

Linda Ojuks
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Linda is an ordinary writer with an extraordinary passion for creatively written words. When she isn't surfing the internet and reading, she is somewhere alone, thinking of the next thought-provoking article to upload on Facebook for her readers. Follow her Facebook page @linsthoughtsandinspirations.