Signs He Is Into You

There are a few questions many people ask themselves, especially in a new relationship. How can you tell? What are the signs? Is there something specific you should watch for? There is no doubt you've heard the expression, "Actions speak louder than words".

The signs you want to be on the lookout for are action-oriented. If his words and his actions don't match up, it's a sign of a different sort. So what are some reassuring signs a guy likes you? Read on to learn about some of them and figure out if he is interested.

He Follows You on Social Media

He has sent you a friend request on Facebook. Did you already answer the request? Sometimes it's good to let him stew for a while, wondering if you'll accept. But don't keep him waiting too long, or he will think you're not interested.

Has he asked if you're on Twitter or Instagram? Once you're connected, does he comment on almost every one of your posts? All of this says he wants to be a part of your life.

He Asks If You Have a Boyfriend

When interested in you, your guy wants to know if he has any competition and if so, how much? Your answer should be honest first and reassuring second. If you're just starting out in your relationship and still trying to answer the question, "Does he like me?".then this is a very good sign that he does. His primal instincts are kicking in, and he's gearing up to fight for his woman if he has to.

He Gets Jealous When You're Around Other Guys

A little jealousy is a good thing and helps to give the relationship a spark. But only a little bit. Yes, it's true that if he didn't care, he wouldn't get jealous, but if it goes beyond a joke now and then, it's not a healthy kind of caring. Jealousy stems from insecurity and low self-esteem.

So if you see this happening, it's a good time to ask yourself a couple of questions: Is something you're doing making him feel insecure? For example, do you flirt with other guys, even though you think it's "innocent"? Do you talk a lot about other guys? Do you arrange to meet other guys that you've just been introduced to without him?

It's different if you had male friends in your life long before the two of you met. Make sure he understands that and the relationship is just platonic. On the other hand, if he questions your every move around other men, then it's a strong signal that he may have his own issues and they are likely to get uglier as the relationship goes on.

He Makes It a Point to See You Often

When a guy is into you, he wants to see you more than just once a week. Usually, he will want to see you many days in a row, and he'll do things to try and make that happen.

For example, before leaving after dinner on Monday, he'll mention, "There's a good movie at the theater. Maybe we could go tomorrow?"

Or he'll leave something at your house, calling the next day to arrange to "drop by" and pick it up.

These are all actions of his that indicate an affirmative answer to your question, "Does he really like me?"

He Treats You With Respect in Front of His Friends

A man that cares about you romantically will treat you differently than he will a friend or acquaintance. Other men will know immediately that you are someone special - it's just in their DNA.

When your guy introduces you to his friends, he is sending unspoken messages to the group, like hey guys, I may not be as available for gaming for a while. He also knows that his friends are sizing you up, and he wants their opinion. If he didn't care, none of this would matter.

He Texts You to See That You Got Home Safely

Nurturing a relationship takes work. Men who know this are the ones worth keeping around, and their actions back up their kind words. When he takes the few seconds required to send you a text asking, "Are you home safe yet?", you can bet he cares and that he's a gentleman.

He's Not Afraid of a Little PDA

Men who openly show affection (PDA) are confident, self-assured, and definitely into you. He reaches for your hand while you're walking. He puts his arm around your shoulders or your waist. He's telling the world, "I like her!"

He Actually Listens to You

Guys are action-takers. Women are thinkers. One of the signs that a guy likes you is when he does both. Let's say you mention that not only do you have a dentist appointment the following day, but that you're nervous about it. The first thing he does is try to find out why you're nervous. The next evening, he may follow up with a call or a text wondering how everything went.

A lot of people would respond with a comforting statement like, "Oh don't worry. I'm sure it will go okay." But they're dismissing your feelings altogether. His wanting to understand more shows he's interested in what makes you tick. If he does this, you can be certain he is into you.

He Teases You

Gentle and kind teasing is a way for him to indicate that he likes you. It shows that he listens, pays attention, and notices your traits and quirks. Be aware, though - there is a difference between gentle teasing and outright bullying or making fun of you. The latter two are done with the intention of causing hurt, while gentle teasing is meant to be more playful.

If your guy teases you about the way you sneeze, for example, it's a sign he's just kidding around. If he points at you while laughing and makes a joke about what you're wearing, it may be more than just teasing. A good check on this is to tell him that it is hurtful and see if he apologizes.

He Is Curious About Your Future Plans

He may be wanting to move forward cautiously, holding back a bit on making plans for the future until he finds out what your plans are. Whether he's testing the waters of the relationship or wants to know out of curiosity, his asking shows that he sees a future that involves you. No matter where the road takes him, he wants you there.

When your guy shows a healthy interest in you by asking questions, listening, and taking action, there should be no doubt in your mind that he is into you. As time goes on and you see more and more of these signs, you can be confident in knowing that you're on the right path together.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.