10 Great Tips on How to Flirt With a Guy

Let's be real- flirting isn't easy no matter if you're a girl or a guy. It takes courage, self-confidence, and spontaneity. How to flirt with a guy if you are prone to anxiety or you are just shy and not so extroverted? Well, there are many ways that can help you charm your man effortlessly. First of all, you need to know how to subtly flirt with a guy, because if you are too obvious, you might screw things up or at least make an awkward situation. In order to avoid that, you need to know a few things before you approach a guy. Also, you can find yourself in a situation where the guy you like is nervous and shy, so you need to help him relax a bit and make the first move instead of him. Even that is not a problem, although it might seem so at first glance.

1. Believe in yourself and build self-confidence

This is the first and most important rule when any situation is in question, not just flirting. You need to be aware of your own good traits, values, and talents. If you don't believe in yourself and try to fake it, it will seem awkward. No person in this world is perfect, and that's why everybody is unique. That's exactly why you should be confident.

2. Touch him

Do this in a very subtle way. When you're laughing, for example, or if you want to tell him something important, you can grab him for the upper part of his arm. You can touch his shoulder when you greet him. Don't overdo it, because it might make him uncomfortable. Touching is a wordless way of expressing various kinds of emotions, so try to be more friendly when you do so. He will feel your proximity anyway. Little touches from time to time are great. If he knows these signs, he will be sure that you like him.

3. Be girly

Boys like tomboys, but truth be told, not many of them would date women who behave, dress, or look like guys. Of course, we are all different, maybe your guy will actually like your boyish style, and even if he doesn't, you should always remember rule number one and stay true to yourself. You can only bring minor adjustments to your behavior. For example, you can cover your mouth with a hand when you laugh, or make girly face expressions. It's up to you to choose whether to be more girly or not, but in general, guys like feminine girls.

4. Laugh and smile a lot

This tip goes in accordance with the previous one. Laughing a lot and smiling is considered feminine. And be spontaneous. Don't laugh with a high-pitched voice, especially if nothing is actually funny to you. However, smiling can show a guy that you like his presence and that you listen to him. Nobody likes to see a frowned face anyway.

5. Compliment him

This is very important especially if you know that your guy has low self-esteem. By complimenting him, you will become a really pleasant company and he will want to spend more time with you. If he has hobbies, compliment his work and talent. Compliments like these are the best, because you will assure him that you value his personality, and that's far more important than looks. It will also show him that you have similar interests as well.

6. Text him first

Don't be afraid of texting a guy first. Nowadays, it's not uncommon and, furthermore, it has become completely normal. You won't lose your dignity if you text him first, nor you will seem pathetic. On the contrary, you will prove to him that you are brave and that you don't mind about some imaginary social norms. You will still be a lady even if you text him first. If the guy is afraid of making the first move, you do it. If you wait for him to text you first, you might miss your chance.

7. Don't send too many messages

The thing you shouldn't do is to send him loads of messages. If he doesn't respond for quite a long time or sees your messages and doesn't reply, don't write anything. One will always find time to respond if they want to talk with you.

8. Be a little distant from time to time

Boys like to hunt and they don't like easy prey. If you are too easy to get, he might start losing his interest in you. If you approach him and back away a bit, he will be perplexed but also curious, because he won't be able to read you. I guarantee you that he will like you more if you are not always available. Keep in mind that being too distant is not a wise thing to do because he can misread your signals and think that you aren't interested at all.

9. Call him out

You don't want to sound like you're calling him on a date? Understandable. But you can always call him out to have a good time and hang out a bit. Boys don't think about details as much as girls do, remember that. If he spends more time with you, he will certainly enjoy your company even more. Also, he will be curious. If he refuses your call or tells you he will think about it, don't call him twice.

10. Show him that his opinion is important to you

Ask him what he thinks about your drawing or about your outfit. He needs to know that you find his opinion important. It will make him feel important as well. This way, he will be much more relaxed in your company.


You will be wonderful to a guy who is really meant for you, so when you approach a guy, smile and don't think about what to say, or try to pretend that you are something that you're not. Just relax. If a guy you want to flirt with is introverted and shy, you will certainly open him up by being cheerful, talkative, and totally relaxed. It's a bit hard, but practice will make it perfect. Be friendly, be feminine, be supportive, and be you. That's how to flirt with a guy.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.