12 Compliments Every Woman Wants to Hear From Her Partner

When you've been in a long-term relationship, it's easy to take your girlfriend or wife for granted. But it's important to show her appreciation every now and then. One way to do so is by complimenting her.

It might come as a surprise to you, but according to psychologists, compliments are a necessity in a relationship. In fact, they are one of the keys to maintaining a healthy relationship. Compliments make the receiver feel good, loved and appreciated, leaving no room for resentment or negativity to grow. Don't know where to start? Read on to find out some of the best and most foolproof compliments that every girl wants to hear.

Compliments Women Absolutely Can't Resist

Flattery will get you everywhere, even if you are in a relationship and do not necessarily need it. It's always a good idea to complement your loved one once in a while. That said, you still need to choose the right topic or aspect to compliment her on.

With that in mind, we have compiled some of the most irresistible compliments women love. These sweet words are guaranteed to make her fall head over heels in love with you again.

1. You're so beautiful

This may be a common compliment men give to their girlfriend or wife, but it's definitely an effective one. Women love to be reminded of how attractive they are. Moreover, you can also expand the compliment by saying that she's not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well.

2. You smell wonderful today! Is that a new perfume?

Telling a woman she smells nice can be a huge mood and confidence booster for her. Most women invest a lot of time to appear presentable. One of the most important aspects of a woman's grooming habit is her perfume. Paying a compliment to her fragrance is a way of telling her that you notice even the smallest things about her as well as appreciating her feminine attractiveness.

3. Is that a new hairstyle? You look so sexy with it!

Women love it when their man notices their hairstyle. Pay attention to her appearance every day and see if you notice anything different She will love it if you notice her new hair cut or color. It's a subtle yet great way to show her that you really care about her. Plus, it can really boost her confidence.

4. You're so smart and have such a brilliant mind

Being complimented about something other than her appearance is what every woman wants. So, praise her intellect and her brilliant mind. Being told that she is smart is definitely one of the top compliments that every girl wants to hear.

5. I feel like I can always count on you

Again, try praising other aspects of your girlfriend or wife aside from her appearance. Telling her that you can always depend on her will make her feel needed and loved. Remember all the things that she has done for you and show your gratitude to her.

6. I love your quirky side

Everyone has their own unique aspect of personality and interests. It can be really nice to be acknowledged for your originality and creativity. Encourage her to tap into her hobbies and support her to pursue her interests. Tell her that you love that side of her and it's one of the things that made you fall in love with her.

7. I wouldn't change a thing about you

Nobody is perfect, but even with all her imperfections, tell your partner that you love her for who she really is. Tell her that you would never dream of changing any aspect of her personality and appearance. This compliment will showcase your unconditional love for her. Plus, it might even boost her mood and confidence. So, try saying these words when she feels down.

8. I admire your work ethic

Yes, you may not be her boss or colleague, but it's still very complementary to appreciate her work. Acknowledge her talent as well as her unrelenting and hard-working attitude. This compliment may come as a surprise to most women, but it's definitely one of the best compliments to give to someone.

9. Can I get your opinion on this?

Asking her opinions on different matters in your life can unexpectedly be a compliment for her. It shows that you trust her judgment. These words also mean that you believe she has a great perspective and a brilliant way of thinking.

10. You'll be a great mother

If you've already been talking about your future with her or if she's already pregnant, this is definitely the perfect praise. A lot of women worry about their abilities when it comes to being a mother in the future. This compliment not only shows that you trust her abilities, but it will also boost her confidence for the future.

11. You never cease to amaze me

You learn more about a person as you spend more time with them. The same goes for your partner. Tell her that she's one of the most interesting people you've ever met and that she always amazes you with her skills, quirks, or interests. It shows that you pay a lot of attention to her and that you love being around her.

12. You make me a better person

A good and healthy relationship helps us all grow into better people. Show your gratitude for your girlfriend's or wife's role in helping you become a better person. This compliment tells her that you are grateful for her companionship for the duration of your relationship.

Takeaway Message

Did you like our compilation of compliments that every girl wants to hear? Which one will you be telling the love of your life later on today? Remember to keep your compliments genuine. Hollow compliments will only sadden her. Give her the right compliment with all of your heart and she will definitely feel loved and appreciated.

However, while compliments can make her happy, make sure your actions match your words as well. Try doing little things to appreciate your darling girlfriend or wife, such as giving her flowers, helping her out with chores around the house, or writing down a cute love note for her.

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.