12 Things to Do When You’re Home Alone

When no one's around, we can completely be who we are and can do what we normally wouldn't if someone else was there. However, we tend not to fully use our alone time just because we can't think of anything interesting or useful to do at that moment. So, if you wonder what to do when home alone, you're in the right place. Here you can find 12 great recommendations on things to do at home alone, and you won't waste a single second of time, especially if it doesn't happen that often.

1. Read a new book

Reading is so much more fun when no one makes noise around you and distracts you from completely immersing yourself into the story. Pick the most favorite part of your house, take a plush blanket, and make yourself some tea. Enjoy the silence and read your book in peace. If you don't fancy reading, you can listen to audiobooks or podcasts and relax.

2. Shop online

Shopping is always fun, but real shopping takes more concentration. When no one's around, you can shop for some presents or items for the upcoming events without fear that someone will peek at your screen and find out. Also, you can shop for anything else you want, like clothes, home decoration, books, etc. Turn some music on and buy something nice for yourself.

3. Play video games

If you're productive every day, all day, this is the way to relax. Video games can help you forget about all your obligations and stressful situations you have to deal with. It's really not important how old you are because there are many types of video games out there.

4. Call your friends to come over

Making a little party when no one's home is a great way to spend that free time. You and your friends will have more space, will be able to use the kitchen and cook something, and talk about anything without the fear of being heard. It's not advisable to make a huge party, especially if others will be home soon because it's hard to clean up such a mess. Stick to a few friends and call them to come over.

5. Take an online course

If you want to learn something new, courses are a good way to do so. Nevertheless, you need to focus in order to finish a course and maybe even get a certificate. There are so many short and long courses about literally anything. Look for something that you take an interest in and learn.

6. Watch movies or TV shows

No one's going to complain if the TV is too loud when you're home alone, so watching TV is also a great option. No one will ask you to switch the channel, and no one will constantly pass by while making noise, which can distract you. Also, if someone really dislikes, for example, horror movies, you can freely watch them now.

7. Plan a trip

If you really don't know what to do home alone, why don't you plan a trip? It's a lot of fun! You can make a list of everywhere you want to go or visit local places you've never been to. If you have more money, you can search for some great traveling opportunities online and share your ideas when everyone comes back home.

8. Bake or cook

When you're not alone at home, someone's always in the kitchen, so you can't cook in peace. Now, it's all yours. You can bake some cookies and play with new recipes. If you don't have a cookbook, you can find some recipes online. Cooking is always nice, and you can surprise everyone with some delicious cake or cookies. Besides, if you don't know how to cook, maybe it's time to start learning. It's a useful skill.

9. Clean the house

If you've cleaned the house recently, there's probably no need to do it again, but if you didn't, the most convenient time to do it is when no one's around. Why don't you make your cleaning fun by turning your favorite music on and dancing while you clean? Who would tell that cleaning could be fun!

10. Organize your belongings

This is something similar to cleaning the house because it's necessary to throw some stuff away. You can organize your belongings, make a list of the things you need to buy, and discard some items you've never used or used quite rarely. It's always good to give your old stuff to some people in need.

11. Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping in noisy places, why don't you actually sleep when you're home alone? For example, taking day naps and spending all day in your bed doesn't sound exciting but sleep is essential for your health. Sleeping in dark and completely quiet places is important because it contributes to the quality of rest. So, if you don't know what to do, just sleep.

12. Work out

Like sleep, exercise is equally important for your health. Even if you don't have any gear, there are so many substitutes for weights, just look for some tips on the Internet. Also, you can find some workouts that require no equipment. When no one's around, you can work out in peace without fear that someone will suddenly rush into your room. Also, you can also work out in the living room!


I hope you've got some ideas about what to do when home alone. Whatever you do, it's important to use that time wisely. Living with other people is fun but you also need peace and silence from time to time. Don't miss the chance to do whatever you want, from making a little party to cleaning, or even sleeping. Everything can be fun if you make it fun, so even cleaning is great when you're alone. Now go and enjoy it, the whole house is yours!

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.