8 Obvious Signs He Wants to Tell You That He Loves You

Three magical "I love you" words always take the relationship to the next level, but it's frustrating and even scary to say them first because no one knows how the recipient actually feels. Is it too early to say it, or is it too late? Look for the signs he wants to say these three magical words. If you pay enough attention, you will certainly be able to notice them. There are so many of them, but these are the most noticeable and important signs he wants you to say "I love you", and you will have no doubts.

1. He gives you that "special" look

When people want to kiss someone, they always gaze at their lips. But if your partner looks deep into your eyes and gets lost, or if he just looks at you while you're doing something else and you notice him do that, you can ask him "Why are you looking at me like that?" If he looks away and replies "Ah, for no reason", and smiles, that means that he wants to tell you that he loves you, but he's just not ready yet. This is true because when people realize they love someone, they love every single thing they do, and they just enjoy watching that person just existing. If you catch him gazing at you like that, it certainly means that he loves you and that he will tell the magical words soon.

2. He always uses soft words and cute nicknames

One of the signs he wants to say that he loves you is when he starts telling you warm things that he hasn't told you before. People do that even at the beginning of the relationship, but you will be able to sense that he tells things with a slightly different tone. And believe me, when he starts complimenting you when you don't expect it, it might be a sign that he has realized that he loves you and wants to express that by using different expressions.

3. He wants to cuddle all the time

If he has been colder before and now all he wants is to snuggle with you while you're watching your favorite movies or TV shows, that means that something in him has changed and that he feels that he loves you. Men are usually not that complicated, but they feel a bit confused when they feel a burst of emotions towards someone. It is only a matter of time when he confesses his feelings to you. I bet that he is just waiting for the right moment to tell you that he loves you.

4. He misses you when you're not around

Missing your significant other, in most cases, leads to "I love you". If you are away and he tells you that he misses you at least once, that means that you mean so much to him and that he wants to tell you that he loves you. Don't be surprised, because it's really hard for a man to confess his feelings first. It's really important to know when to say "I love you" without fear, but if he really misses you when he's unable to see you, know that he certainly loves you and that he will open his heart very soon.

5. He showers you with hugs and kisses

Men love to act like they are a bit tough, but actually, they can be pretty soft inside. If he shows you his soft side, that's it. Hugs and kisses are also a form of communication, but such actions are wordless, so you can't be 100% if he truly loves you until he tells you. But trust me, sometimes actions can tell you a lot more than words. If he hugs you out of nowhere just to put a smile on your face, or if he gives you cute kisses, that means that he's completely yours. Such behavior is just another form of saying "I love you".

6. He talks about your future

If he constantly talks about his future plans and includes you in them, that means that he wants to stay with you for a long time. He doesn't have to mention family and kids (it's a bit touchy topic for men) but if you are included in his future plans, that means that he loves you and that he tries to let you know that you are the one. Like I said before, talking about feelings first is a very serious and risky move, so everyone tries to delay it as much as they can. This is one of the best signs he wants to say "I love you", so just listen to what he talks about and how much he talks about you when his plans are in question. If he repeats the word "we" and "us" instead of "I", that means he wants to make sure you know how important you are to him.

7. He talks around the issue

It takes a lot of skill to make someone say the things one wants to hear. If he talks about emotions and indirectly wants you to tell him that you love him just to confess his feelings easier, be certain that he feels special about you. Even if he doesn't want to make you say the words first, he will try to beat around the bush and assure himself that it's safe to confess his feelings. Fear of rejection is normal because rejection is really painful and hard to get through. It's understandable that he wants to know if you love him as well.

8. Physical pleasures are not the most important thing

It is said that men find sex much more important than women, but it doesn't have to be the case. A physical connection is an essential part of every relationship, but if he finds some other things more important, such as, for example, cooking with you, napping together, or just spending more time with you, he loves you. Sex is a very sacred form of human connection if it's based on emotions, but it's not something that's the most important if your partner really loves you. If you notice that he would rather cuddle with you until you two fall asleep rather than having sex with you, it can tell you a lot about his emotions. When sex stops being a routine and becomes something special to him, know that he's ready to say that he loves you.


When men are in question, it's hard to misinterpret the signs he wants to say "I love you", because men don't think too much about how to act. But the main reason why they delay confessing their feelings is the fear of not getting the same amount of feelings back and ending up hurt. Nevertheless, you can always look for these 8 signs and be sure that he wants to tell you how he truly feels about you.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.