8 Ways to Ask Someone if They Are Single

When we meet a person and get amazed by how awesome they are, the first thing we want to do is to ask them on a date or get an opportunity to be around them. But, before doing that, it's very important to know if that person is available or not. I know it's really difficult to ask such a question, but don't worry. You should know how to ask if someone is single in the right way because there are many ways of doing so. If you want to show or hide your interest in someone, you can use different methods to find out if a person is available, and among these eight tips on how to find out if someone is single, you will certainly find the one that suits you. So, how to ask someone if they are single?

1. Ask them directly

This is the simplest and most straightforward way. If you are confident and brave, this is the perfect way to ask them. Many people would admire that straightforwardness and honesty, so whatever the answer is, that person will like you more than before. Also, before you ask, try to have a longer conversation with that person beforehand, so you can discern their character traits. If they seem shy and not so talkative, maybe being too direct will upset them, and they maybe won't even answer the question. Nonetheless, just be friendly, positive, smile, and everything will be fine.

2. Assume they have a partner and ask them about their life

You can always try to guess if they have someone or not, so listen carefully when they speak. They might reveal some details about their social or love life which will help you find out if they are single. You can ask a lot of questions about them, and try to look for the clues in their answers. A partner is one of the most important people in our lives, so we tend to talk a lot about what we do with them and so on. If they mention nothing about their partner, either they don't have it, or they actually like you so they hesitate to talk about their relationship.

3. Ask for phone number first

You can simply ask for a number or think of an excuse for asking. You can ask them to borrow you something or to inform you about something, so the chances of you getting their number will increase. It's important to know that being too indirect and hiding interest can actually be counterproductive. You should at least show a bit of interest because you can be friend-zoned easily. If they refuse to give you their number, it's probably because they are taken and they don't want their partner to have any doubts. That's why it's maybe better to take a risk and directly ask them for their number. That's how you will actually be able to find out if they are single or not.

4. Check for couple items

People love to publicly express their relationship in various ways. For example, they put their partner's picture on their mobile phone wallpaper or they have a couple mug or keychain. They also wear a piece of jewelry with the first letter of their partner's names or something else. This is not the most accurate method, but you should always combine this way with some other ways. However, I personally know a lot of people who find this way of expressing emotions repulsive even if they have a partner, so not having a couple of items will not tell you much about their relationship status, but if you see one, you will instantly know. Also, look for an engagement ring on their hand.

5. Pay attention to body language

This is one of the most important things when it comes to asking a person about their relationship status. Human relationships are very complicated, so you should observe how they behave around you. If they are constantly keeping their distance, they may have someone. The best thing to do is to actually ask them if they are single while observing the way they answer. If they have something with another person which is actually not important to them, you will be able to know that based on their body language. They will probably laugh it off or something like that. If you are still hesitant about asking them, then just observe how close they stand or sit next to you. If they seem close and completely carefree, don't be afraid to ask them if they are single.

6. Speak with their friends and acquaintances

If you know a person a bit more, you probably know which type of people they hang out with. You may even know who their family members are. It's probably best to ask their close friends about that because they surely know the answer. Keep in mind that they will probably inform them that you are asking about their relationship status, but it shouldn't really bother you.

7. Check their profiles on social media

Luckily, social media profiles can tell us a lot about other people, so follow them on Instagram or other social media that allows posting stories. If there is one person who is constantly tagged in their posts, it's probably their partner. Also, look for the pictures and especially their descriptions. Based on them you can easily know if the person in the picture with them is their partner or not. But remember that, usually, the stories will be the ones who will tell you what you want to know because even when people dislike posting pictures with their partner because they find it cringy, they will tag them in their stories. If you suspect someone, check their profile as well.

8. Lead the conversation so they can tell you on their own

This way of finding out if a person is available is the safest option. The only thing you need to do is ask questions and talk about some life situations which should probably involve a partner, such as traveling, emotions, some funny relationship stories from the past or even what they like and dislike in a partner. They will by no means mention their partner if they have one, trust me, so you won't even have to ask.


In the text above you could find out how to ask if someone is single. The thing that is important is the answer, so do not hesitate to pop the question. If you don't know them that well, check your friend lists on social media and find the people who might know them. Trust me, with just a little time and effort, you will find out what you want to know.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.