9 Best Ways to Show Your Love for Someone

Love is a beautiful thing. It's something that grows and deepens in time, so the love for your partner will only become stronger. But that doesn't matter if you don't actually show your emotions. Your partner should know about everything you feel, so it's important to know how to prove your love. Of course, everyone has their own way of expressing emotions, but these nine suggestions will give you many new ideas. Proving your love is important because your partner will feel much more relaxed around you, and show their own emotions as well. So, let's see nine points on how to prove you love someone, and what you do in such situations.

1. You are always by their side when they need you

Love is not enough for a relationship to truly work. In order to prove your love, you need to be by your partner's side, no matter what happens. If they need you, you should immediately be at their disposal, whether it's about comforting them or helping them with a certain task or action. If you love them, you will never let them do something difficult alone. If you see them struggle, always offer your aid. If they refuse because they prefer to do things on their own, that's fine as well. But knowing that you are always willing to help them will mean much to them.

2. You are not as materialistic as you have been

Don't worry, it's normal to be a bit materialistic at the beginning of a relationship. But when you get to know your partner better and get attached to them emotionally, you won't care about spending money on them, going on trips with them, or even borrowing them money. Trust me, you will actually enjoy giving them what's yours, and vice versa. How to prove your love? Well, just show your partner that material assets mean nothing when compared with what you feel. Take them out for dinner, buy them cute stuff from time to time and it will make them happy. Of course, don't strain yourself. If you still are not sure about this, then just wait a bit. It will happen naturally.

3. You send cute messages to make them smile

Frankly, everybody loves cute messages. Find your own way of telling them how you love them through messages. If you think that being cute and romantic is not your thing, you can be more humorous. But the point is to put a smile on your partner's face as often as you can, and a sudden warm message full of emotions would make anyone happy. Don't be afraid of expressing your emotions.

4. You don't think about returning when you are giving

This is connected to the second point. Don't ask them to return your things right away. Let them have them for some time. You can even leave your stuff at their place, which will show them that they are to be trusted. If you trust someone so much, it will show them how much you love them.

5. You remember what they like to eat and to do

In order to do this, you have to listen to your partner. Everybody loves a good listener. Devote your full attention to them, and remember all the small details about them, such as if they like white or dark chocolate more, their morning or night routine, what they really enjoy doing and etc. When you point out such specifics from time to time, it will prove to them that you really love them.

6. You light their mood when they are upset

Find your own way to comfort them when they are under the weather. You can come to their place and bring something they really love to eat, you can take them out or you can talk with them about their problems. Do whatever you think it's the best, but show them that they always have a shoulder to cry on if needed.

7. You talk about your deepest feelings with them

Showing our vulnerabilities to our loved ones and opening our hearts completely will show them how much they mean to you. When you are able to expose your flaws in front of someone and talk about them openly, they will know about their significance in your life. Tell them about your desires, fears, dreams, problems, or anything else that you usually keep private. Let them get to know you completely, and they will do the same.

8. You care about their daily life

You know when they go to sleep, when they wake up, what obligations they have and so on. Show them that you truly acknowledge their problems and obligations as important. Sometimes, people tend to highlight their own problems, while totally forgetting that other people struggle as well. If you show them that you can give them time when they need it and that their daily life is as important as yours, they will know that you truly love them.

9. You trust them completely

You don't check their phone, social media profiles, you don't try to influence who they hang out with and you don't forbid them anything. Trust me, such behavior is bound to ruin any relationship. If you trust your partner, you love them. Demonstrate that by giving them the ultimate freedom, and they will realize how much you love them. I know, it's normal to have doubts but remember: Having doubts in your partner will only lead to unnecessary quarrels. Besides, being with someone who you don't trust is simply bad for both of you. Demonstrate your love to them by showing that you trust them.


Find your own way on how to prove love to your partner, and let these nine ways inspire you. Like I said, just feeling love isn't enough. You need to prove to your partner that the emotions are really there. If you don't, they will probably have little faith in your relationship. Practice makes things perfect, so just keep up with showing your partner how important they are, and you will prove your love to them.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.