9 Qualities That Make a Woman Memorable to a Man

Not all men are shallow when it comes to what they look for in a woman they want to date. It takes more than just looks to linger in a man's mind long after you are not together physically. Attraction is not only physical… it is also relational, emotional, intellectual, and even spiritual for some men.

Different guys find different things memorable in a woman ranging from their natural charm to the particular things they do. Even though physical attraction is important, many men find emotional appeal as one of the most attractive qualities of a woman. There is no universal agreement on what makes a woman memorable to a man, but here are a few things that men would look for in a woman beyond her looks.

When Does a Woman Become a Man's Weakness

Many ladies wonder what makes guys go crazy over a woman. What most ladies do not appreciate is that it is usually the simple little things that score for a woman who attracts a man. In fact, they may have that quality, and it is just that they cannot show it clearly.

1. She can intelligently debate her point

Most men are attracted to women who pass their point intelligently without appearing unnecessarily aggressive. Fortunately, the brain is an organ that can be exercised and nourished by any woman. A guy would love to have a girl who is knowledgeable and informed about diverse issues. A woman is likely to be remembered if she conveys substantial issues when she opens her mouth.

2. She is liked by most men around her

It goes without a saying that she is a precious woman if other men find her presence joyous. She is the type of woman who has done enough to get in good terms with members of the opposite sex. It goes beyond her physical qualities… it is because of her general aura and personality. She has a unique behavior that the men around enjoy or would love to benefit from.

3. She makes achievements in her career

Some men get intimidated by successful women, but most of the guys would love to associate with an ambitious woman in their life. This is a woman who is focused on her life and has dreams and goals. A man will be assured that she can inspire him to higher levels. This woman never settles for less, and she would assist those around her to prosper. No doubt that her boyfriend/fiancée/husband would be the greatest beneficiary of her achievements.

4. She believes in what she is doing

Most guys are attracted to a goofy woman who thinks and behaves in an out-of-the-box way. It shows she is confident and sociable. Studies have indicated that non-conformist women are more attractive than conformists. It could be due to their risk-taking or their fun-loving nature or even because it shows that she does not waste time caring about what others think. Being a weirdo is unacceptable!

5. She cooks well

The boy's weakness is in the kitchen department. There is a popular saying, "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Many guys decide to marry ladies based on their culinary skills. Some guys are full of regret and even tear whenever they smell something similar to the cooking of their ex. A woman must never underestimate the power of cooking skills. It may sound old fashioned and sexist, but culinary skills make a woman memorable.

6. She is a good listener

If she is a good listener, it is when a woman becomes a man's weakness. No guy wants to date a woman who will jump into conclusions and freak out even before he finishes explaining something to her. A woman, who allows a guy to talk to her freely and deeply without interrupting or judging, gains trust and confidence from him. Nothing gives a man solace like knowing he has someone who listens to him, understands him, and would most likely help him overcome any challenges.

7. She is secretive and a confidante

Lovers tell each other stuff, some of which are personal, others for soul-searching. The woman becomes a repository of man's soul and his psyche's guardian. A woman must never breach this trust if she is to be memorable. Also, she must never share these discussions with her parents, friends, or anyone. Never toss a secret he told you against him in an argument. Men need a confidante; they feel safe with their deepest or even darkest moments.

8. She appreciates his efforts

What makes a woman memorable to a man is the appreciation she shows her guy for putting effort into making him happy or towards achieving something. She treats her man the way she would wish to be treated. There is no perfect relationship, but an effort must be put to improve it. We all have good and bad days, and a woman must put aside her ego to be memorable and give credit where it is due to improve their relationship, even if he did not meet her expectations.

9. She has a good sense of humor

A woman does not have to be a comedian to be attractive, but she should have a sense of humor. No man wants to spend most of his time with a dull, gloomy partner. If you can make a man laugh, then chances are he would love to spend his time with you… who knows he could make you his wife! A guy is likely to be attracted by a woman who brings joy wherever she goes. She is a woman who can cheer up a man when he is emotionally drained.

Can a Woman Become Boy's Weakness?

Having these qualities makes a woman memorable to a man. For guys, it is possible to find a woman who has some or most of the qualities. Find one you can live with or help her to improve!

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.