Bulletproof Excuses to Get out of a Date without Hurting Anyone

That date you've been having second thoughts about is getting closer. So, you might feel the need to find bulletproof excuses to get out of a date and apply the best one. Your reasons may vary from simply not being in the mood to go out to actually not feeling a connection with the person you're supposed to meet. Sometimes, saying the truth would hurt your date's feelings. If you decide not to be honest and protect your date, then you can use a few simple and effective excuses that are understandable and, in most cases, will not merit follow up questions.

Top 10 Excuses for Flaking Out

In case you are feeling guilty because you agreed to go on a date, but you no longer want to, you can use the following excuses for flaking out. Just because you have your own reasons for canceling, it doesn't mean that you should be brutally honest about it. Telling a white lie can protect a person's feelings and save you from an uncomfortable situation.

1. Working late hours is mandatory

Deadlines and working late are good excuses to cancel a date. Almost everyone is working hard to live a good life. That's why most people are very understanding when it comes to things related to work. Moreover, this excuse can be used as a long-term reason as well. You simply have to focus on work and there's nothing you can do about it.

2. The weather is simply impossible

Does your date happen to fall on a bad weather condition? That's great! Especially if you are a woman and you don't want to go out. Typically, men don't use the weather as an excuse to skip a date but women do. Focus on explaining that you don't want to ruin your shoes or your hair, and the weather just puts you off.

3. You caught a cold or other medical reasons

When you are not feeling well, no one will try to convince you to go on a date. You could be contagious and you wouldn't want to get the other person sick as well. Moreover, women can use that time of the month as an excuse, as well as headaches and migraines. When a guy cancels a date because he's sick, he might actually be sick. So, don't jump to conclusions too fast.

4. Unpredictable plumbing issues

When time is not on your side and you want to cancel a date last minute, blame your sanitary installation. When there's a leak in your apartment or it is getting flooded, you can simply not attend a date. You must stay home and handle the repairs. Any guy or girl will try to be understanding about this aspect although it's not the best lie you can tell.

5. Your pet has health problems

Owners of pets always have excuses to get out of a date. The trick is to make sure that you have previously mentioned your pet. When your date knows you have a cat, dog or parrot, he or she will not get suspicious if you let them know your pet has health issues that you must attend to. While this excuse is not morally correct, it is the type of excuse that will not hurt your date.

6. A friend or relative needs your help

Knowing how to properly prioritize things in life is quite admirable. Each of us has different priorities depending on what we desire. That's why you can tell your date that a friend or a relative needs your help and that you can no longer attend your scheduled meetup. Be very specific if you want to create the perfect lie. Give plenty of details without chatting for too long.

7. You fell into the double-booking trap

Double-booking is among other good excuses to cancel a date. This one is also about setting priorities. Just because you got a little confused or you forgot about a previously-set meeting this doesn't mean that you should change your priorities. Admit your mistake towards your date and bite the bullet.

8. Things are overwhelming in your life

When we have a lot on our minds or have a lot to deal with at a certain moment, it is only natural to leave other aspects of life out. Let your date know that too much is happening in your life right now and you need to deal with everything. In this case, women are most prone to asking why and how they could help. Men, however, tend to leave it alone.

9. Your last relationship just ended

Even if you thought you were prepared to date again, it is still not the case. This reason is not among the most comfortable excuses to get out of a date, but it works! No one wants to date a person with huge emotional baggage who is not emotionally available yet.

10. Just be honest

If you wanted to just be honest, you wouldn't be reading about how to get out of a date. However, being honest with a person you don't care for is proof that you respect yourself. Honesty hurts, but don't we owe it to ourselves and others, to tell the truth, and not mislead anyone? Ask yourself this; would you rather hear a lie that makes you feel nothing or a truthful explanation that could contribute to your personal development?

To Be Used With Caution

Creative people will never run out of ideas to use as excuses. So, if you like to let people down easy, then use the ones that apply to you the most. Instead of misleading anyone, you could stop for a moment and think twice before saying yes to a date. Generally speaking, it's best to avoid lying or to deliver the truth in a nice, sugarcoated way.

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