Can You Love Two People at the Same Time?

Love is confusing! If you find yourself feeling attracted to multiple people, your mind will be in a constant state of indecision. The million-dollar question is whether or not you can love two people at the same time.

If you ask me, this phenomenon is quite common. Usually, people start loving two people at the same time due to the diverse characteristics that they find attractive. Some people fall for another person even when they are already in a healthy relationship. In this article, we will discuss this somewhat controversial topic.

Acknowledge It Is Love, Not Lust

Most people think that loving two people simultaneously is pure lust. However, that is not always the case.

All men and women have different attributes that one can find attractive. However, one person cannot have all the desired characteristics that you like. Therefore, when you find anybody with those characteristics, you start gravitating towards them.

Currently, people are opening up to new opportunities. You have different needs and seek to fulfill them by loving two people at the same time. So falling in love with two people is a common phenomenon. You certainly do not need to feel guilty if you love two people at the same time.

Love Is an Investment

Love is your biggest investment. In this investment, you are giving your partner your time, your emotional support, and sometimes your financial support, as well. Investing your love in multiple partners can prove to be a challenging task.

If you ask me, maintaining two relationships with honesty is not a piece of cake. Dividing your time and effort between multiple relationships will drain you emotionally and physically. Therefore, make a good decision for yourself and stay with one person to avoid the hassle.

Know the Consequences

Falling in love is easy. However, standing by your word can be difficult. Take a note that when you love another person, your existing relationship will suffer.

Most people cannot process the idea that they are not good enough for their partner. Naturally, when you start pursuing another relationship, your partner will feel hurt. However, you need to tell them about your feelings, or else you are cheating.

This will not only affect your current relationship, but also your relationship with the new special someone. They may not like the fact that you are in love with someone already. They could feel like you are treating them as a second option.

Make Clear What Your Needs and Wants Are

The guilt of not committing fully to one partner can result in the undoing most relationships. Therefore, the first thing you should do is figure out your critical needs and wants. Then you can determine the partner who is more important to you.

Evaluate Your Feelings

Choosing between two people is difficult. However, you have to make a decision. If both partners are similarly important in your life, evaluate your feelings for each person.

You need to figure out for whom you feel more strongly. The best way to go about this is to imagine your life without the other side. The one you are likely to miss less is the one you should end your relationship with.

Many people say that if you fall in love with someone while already being in a relationship, you are clearly lacking something in your current love life.

Observe Each Partner's Compatibility with Your Lifestyle, Eating Habits, and More

If you ask me, compatibility is an important aspect of every relationship. If you are not compatible with someone, your long-term survival can be untenable. For this reason, assess your current situation and clear your mind.

Physical Chemistry

Having decent physical chemistry is important when you are in a relationship. Therefore, evaluating this aspect is also important. You should try to find out which partner satisfies your physical needs better.

For this reason, if a person is good for you but they do not physically satisfy you, you will keep finding that in other people. In this case, you might find yourself cheating in the future.

Seek Advice From Friends or Family

Choosing between two people is nearly impossible. Therefore, discuss your situation with someone who will not judge you for loving two people at one time. That person can be a close friend or a family member. Make sure that this person is good at giving relationship advice and knows your situation well.

They will not be able to provide you with sound advice if they aren't aware of your situation and the dilemma that you are facing currently. Open up about the situation, and tell them every detail about both relationships. Let them decide who is better for you.

Final Feedback

Falling in love is a beautiful feeling. Love teaches you many things that you might not learn otherwise. You learn about love, patience, and pain. However, sometimes you can fall in love with two people at the same time.

Loving two people can require considerable energy and time. Also, in this day and age, the concept might seem wrong. You might feel like you are cheating on your partner. Therefore, only go ahead with the arrangement if you can live without guilt and deal with the emotions that this situation can bring into your life.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.