Do Guys Prefer Short Girls or Tall Girls?

When you look at the girls in the adverts, it might not seem like it, but it's no surprise that men find little women irresistible. The reasons for this are actually quite natural. So, if you are a short girl, don't be confused by the messages the media sends - you are the ideal type for the majority of guys.

1. Short Girls Look Cute

Let's be honest - smaller things are just cuter than bigger things, and this includes women. They have cute little feet and sweet little hands. They can pretty much wear anything and look fine.

You might also wonder "do tall guys like short girls?" The answer to this is yes. Even some taller-than-average guys like short girls, and it's easy to understand why - they're cute!

2. They Arouse Men's Air of Protectiveness

Seeing a petite girl in distress will make any man jump to her defense. Small girls look more vulnerable and in need of a brave man's protection. Who doesn't want to feel like a knight in shining armor? Unlike taller women who are at least a little bit more capable of defending themselves, a short woman will arouse a man's natural urge to be protective, as her size will make her an easy target for anyone who might intend to take advantage of her or cause her harm.

3. You Can Kiss Short Girls Easily

This might not be one of the most obvious reasons, but being able to easily lean in to kiss a girl feels very romantic for a guy. Kisses with a short girl are usually not clumsy or awkward. The difference in height makes your smooching smooth, just like in the movies!

4. Easy to Pick Up

Small girls are fun to lift up off the ground. Think of all the piggybacks, swinging around, and cradle carrying that guys can do with short girls. These are fun and intimate things you can do when the girl is little enough to be physical with in this way.

5. Like Cuddling With Shorter Girls

Cuddling is an important part of a healthy relationship. Embraces that last longer than 10 seconds have been proven to reduce stress, increase the immune system, and release happy hormones! So, it makes sense why guys like short girls. If long hugs and snuggles feel uncomfortable, this simple pleasure is lost.

6. Better Sexual Experience

The combination of the physical advantages described above will make the sexual experience with short girls better. Being able to get into different positions, being more active, and perhaps being more flexible, are all parts of a sex life a man will enjoy. Also, the proportions of the short woman's anatomy will be smaller and tighter, which increases the sensation for men during intercourse.

7. A Taller Girl Will Make Them Look a Little Funny

We might ask ourselves why guys like short girls, but when you think about the opposite scenario, the reasons make sense. It is always a little odd when you see a tall woman with a shorter guy; it's almost comical! A man will not want to feel embarrassed when out in public with his tall girlfriend.

8. Shorter Girls Tend to Be More Active

Most guys these days enjoy partaking in sports, physical activities, or just general fitness. It's not just for fun, but because of the health benefits, there are to gain from doing so. Smaller girls tend to be more active and have more energy than bigger girls. Some men looking for relationships are specifically seeking women that are active, because it's something couples can enjoy doing together. It brings them closer, and the shared passion makes an ideal basis for a long term future together.

9. Stereotypes of the Male and Female Image

Any cartoon or representation of a couple will depict the man standing noticeably taller than the woman. It's the way the world stereotypically believes it is supposed to be. Going against these universal, ingrown, unstated rules is always very difficult for people to feel comfortable doing.

10. Makes Guys Feel More Needed

Men love to feel needed by the women they like. She can't reach the top shelf of the cupboard? He is the only one she needs at that moment. Her small hands cannot open the pickle jar? His giant hands (comparatively) are the only way she is going to get to her tangy snack. It might not seem like a big deal, but to a guy, these small things make a man feel like a hero.

11. Short Girls Can Wear Heels

A major argument supporting why guys like short girls is because of high heels! High heel shoes are undeniably sexy. They do flatter women short and tall alike, however, if a woman is even average height, high heels will have them towering over their boyfriend. Now, it is necessary to state here that some guys, do in fact like a woman that is taller than them in this way. But for the most part, guys prefer their girls to be sexy in heels without looking like their little brother.

12. Short Girls Make Guys Look Taller

The question do guys like short girls seems to have been answered in the affirmative. Our last point that explains why men prefer shorter women is that short girls make guys look and feel taller. A guy of average height could look like he's over six feet tall when he's standing next to a short girl. Now, bear in mind that it's only a minority of men who are six feet tall or over. Therefore, it stands to reason that guys under this height are more likely to go for girls significantly shorter.


As you now should understand the many reasons why most men prefer short women compared to tall women, we hope you have gained some confidence in your petite stature. Having a short woman by his side makes a man feel good, and ultimately everyone will opt for what makes them feel good.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.