Figure Out Why Your Girlfriend Is Mad at You

You are working at your office and your girlfriend calls you. "Where are you? I have been waiting for you for about an hour." You can't seem to remember what the occasion was, so you simply tell her, "Oh honey! I am so sorry. I'll be late because of work." She tries to keep her cool but then she bursts, "You can't make it to our special occasions. All my friends are also waiting." Then she hangs up. Sounds familiar? Your girlfriend can get mad at you for a number of reasons whether it's about forgetting your commitments or not giving her enough time. Arguments are a normal part of any relationship because they highlight the issues in your relationship so you can fix them. When your girlfriend gets angry most of the time, try to figure out "Why is my girlfriend mad at me?" When you know the reason, you can help her calm down and make her happy again.

9 Reasons for Her Anger

When you think about your girlfriend and all you can think is "my girlfriend is always mad at me", then you really need to think seriously about what the issue is. Whether it is something silly or serious, don't ignore it because it can lead to a lot of misunderstandings which can harm your relationship. The following nine reasons will help you understand "why is my girlfriend mad at me?"

1. Because of your ex

Are you one of those people who don't bother cleaning out things from your previous relationships because you don't think it's important? Well, women think differently. So, if your girlfriend happens to see a photo of you and your ex on Facebook or her ring lying around at your house, she will definitely freak out. That's why it's important to tell her about your past relationships and assure her that you are hers and hers only. It will give her that mental and emotional security which will keep your relationship strong.

2. Because of her period

When you don't know the reason and all you can think is "my girlfriend gets mad at me for no reason", give her a break. She might be on her period and that can cause irritability and mood swings. Even if you don't understand her hormonal and mood changes, simply be nice to her and don't provoke her in any way. She might even thank you for understanding and being nice when her periods are over.

3. Because you didn't respond to her text immediately

Sometimes your girlfriend expects you to respond to her text as soon as possible. It might be something important and even if it isn't very urgent, just reply to her within half an hour, otherwise, you'll have to deal with her anger. Even if you think that it's silly to be angry about such a thing, don't say that to her. Try taking flowers and any of her favorite things to make it up to her.

4. Because you didn't notice the changes in her appearance

Whether she got a new haircut, wore a new outfit, lost some weight, or simply got a manicure, notice these changes and appreciate her. If you don't pay attention to these changes, she will be disappointed. She didn't just do it for herself, she wants you to look at her and tell her how beautiful she is.

5. Because you forgot your important days

Remember the one I mentioned in the beginning? Yes, it is absolutely necessary for you to remember your important days and commitments. Whether it is your date night, engagement anniversary, dinner at your home or just a weekend reserved for your girlfriend. If you forget that you had to take her out for dinner or you keep putting off special occasions that are like milestones in your relationship, she is definitely going to get mad. If you can't fulfill your commitments, it can be detrimental to your relationship.

6. Because you didn't do housework as required

Seems funny but it isn't silly for your girlfriend. If your girl says that housework will be divided and you have to do some of the tasks, don't argue. You have to understand that being in a relationship is like being part of a team. You are a team of two and teammates divide up their tasks. That's why she will get mad at you for not doing your part of the job.

7. Because you weren't on her side

Your support can be huge for her even if she is just fighting with a friend. Don't ever make a mistake of being neutral or not taking her side because she will not forget that ever.

8. Because you didn't listen when she wanted to vent out

When your girlfriend is angry about anything such as her coworkers or a failed shopping trip, just listen to her and let her vent out. Don't interrupt or offer a solution because she just wants you to listen and pay attention to her. Warning: Failing to do so will lead to severe consequences!

9. Because you spend more time with your friends

Let's be clear on this one. Balance is everything in life. If you can't keep that balance, your girlfriend will feel neglected. Do spend time with your friends but don't ignore her at the same time. If you promise to go out with her, keep that promise. Don't make her wait for hours or days just to spend time with you. Otherwise, she will be angry at you most of the time.

Make Her Feel Loved

Your girlfriend can get mad at you for a number of reasons. It can be because you didn't keep your promise, paid attention to her, didn't listen to her, forgot something important or you simply did not reply to her text. It doesn't matter if she is mad at you because of something silly or serious. Don't give up on her because women are a bit complex if you think that understanding her better will solve the problem. Let her vent out, then make it up to her by paying more attention and making her feel loved. She loves you and has expectations from you. So, whenever she gets angry, stay strong, smile, hug her, and try to meet her expectations.

Rabiya Ehtasahm
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Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.