How to Escape the Friend Zone and Move to the Next Level

To most, the friend zone sounds like a myth; they believe that they won't ever fall into such a place. Unfortunately, the friend zone is real, and once you fall in, it can be hard to escape it. But what exactly is the friend zone? The dictionary defines it as a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, and one of them has unreciprocated romantic feelings for the other.

You meet a girl or a guy, spend lots of time with them, then you start to fall for them. As time goes by, you want to take things further. Except, those four dreaded words then come out of their mouth, "Let's just be friends." Sure, friendship is always good. But don't you just wish you could take things to the next level? In this article, we'll teach you how to get out of the friend zone in two different situations.

When They Only See You as a Friend

Let's admit it, this is nobody's fault. You can be the most good-looking, charming, and intelligent person in the world, yet there's still a possibility that your crush might only think of you as a friend. That said, it doesn't mean that your situation is hopeless. You can still change their mind and make them like you more. Read on to find out tips on how to get out of friendzone even when it seems nearly impossible.

1. Assess the risk

This first step is super important. Before you make any move on your crush, make sure to assess the risk you'll be facing. You must acknowledge the worst-case scenario, ruining the friendship you've already built with them. So, take a step back and think whether you're ready to put your friendship on the line.

2. Keep your cool

When you want to escape the friendzone, it's easy to lose your cool and become desperate. But you should never do that. Doing that will not only hurt your chances, but it might also break your friendship with them. Instead, keep cool, accept the situation, and start strategizing your next move.

3. Get flirty

Sexual attraction is essential if you wish to escape the friendzone. If you haven't tried it, start being more flirty with them. You can do this by complimenting them regularly and teasing them with casual touches on their arm or shoulder every now and then.

4. Know when to admit defeat, if necessary

If everything fails, learn to accept the friendship you have with your crush and cherish it. Try to erase all romantic feelings for her and just focus on being a good friend for them. This will show them how mature you are, and maturity is absolutely sexy. Who knows, they might admire and respect you more after this.

5. Improve yourself

Nobody is perfect, and there's always room for improvement. Take a good look at yourself and know your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Enhance your strengths and try to improve yourself. Start dressing better and change your attitude to become a better person. Eventually, they might fall for your charms.

6. Do fun activities with them

One of the most foolproof ways to get them to like you is to take them to exciting places, such as an amusement park. Doing fun and exhilarating activities together will make them associate your presence with good memories and feelings, thus making them like you more.

When They Are Secretly Into You

Do you think that they might be secretly into you as well? Are you two stuck in the friendzone, afraid to make a move and risk ruining what you already have? No worries! Here are some tips on how to get out of the friendzone if you believe that they're actually into you as well.

1. Be confident

Nothing is sexier than confidence. Know your strengths and try to enhance them while also improving yourself. Become a better version of yourself and build your self-confidence. Don't be afraid to make moves on your crush, either.

2. Spend quality time with them

Make sure they really know that you see them as someone special. Always make time for them every day. Whether it's just calling and asking them about their day or taking them out for lunch. Also, try to be there for them when they need your support. That way, your crush will feel special and desired.

3. Treat them differently from other friends

If you want to get out of the friend zone, you must learn to treat them differently from your other friends. Don't treat them like one of the guys. Instead, give them more attention and don't be afraid to be more flirty with them. You can do this by making more eye contact when talking with them, smiling more, giving them genuine compliments regularly, and lightly teasing them.

4. Don't be overbearing

When you like someone, you might want to spend every waking hour with them. But no matter how hard it is, avoid doing this. Give them their own space and don't be overbearing, or you might seem desperate. You can also try hanging out and even flirting with other people too! A little dose of jealousy might be all it takes to make them realize that they truly want to be more than just friends with you.

5. Confess your feelings

After flirting with her, try to gauge their response and attraction toward you. Then, when the time is right, don't be afraid to shoot your shot and ask them out. After all, a huge part of getting out of the friendzone is to let your crush know that you like them. If possible, confess to them in person and in a private setting. Use your words carefully and be genuine about your feelings.

Takeaway Message

We hope this article has helped teach you how to get out of the friend zone. While being just friends with your crush can be annoying, your situation is not hopeless. There's always a chance for you to take things to the next level as long as you stay patient and determined. Just remember to focus on your own worth and don't be desperate. We wish you the best of luck!

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.