How to Keep That Smile on His Face

When your partner strives to make you happy, you can feel it, see it and you know it. Vice versa, you want to know how to make your boyfriend happy all the time. You've got ideas, and you do little things, but you would always like to know more!

Take notice of the little things that he enjoys and you'll have a place to start. What have you noticed about him? Does he like it when you notice he has shaved? Does he like his shoulders rubbed (who doesn't, right?!)? Perhaps he likes it when you put the toothpaste in a particular spot? It's all those little things that will keep him smiling. So here are some helpful tips for you so you can light up his days.

1. Surprise him occasionally

Make arrangements to get home before he does some night during the week (assuming you both work outside the home and this isn't normally the case). Buy, rent or make a maid's costume and greet him at the door, take whatever he's carrying out of his hands, take off his coat or work jacket and lead him to a chair. Loosen his tie, and take off his shoes and socks. Put his feet up and bring him his favorite drink with a wink and promise "there's more…". Oh yea, don't forget the music!

2. Give him space to do whatever he wants

Just like women, men need their own space sometimes. That can be literal, like a man cave, or metaphorical, as in leaving him alone to do his own thing now and then. Maybe even help to make that happen. If he's into something special - a hobby or activity, put a special note by his dinner plate with the message "Have some 'you time' this Saturday if you want! I'll keep out of your hair for the afternoon, Enjoy, Love xx."

3. Appreciate his effort to make you happy, even it's not a success

He made you breakfast in bed, but burned the bacon and the eggs were overdone. You know how to treat your boyfriend. Smile, take a big bite, and say "Mmmmmm!" and eat it all up. Tell him how much you appreciate what he has done and top it off with a big kiss!

4. PDA is a great way

If your guy is not the type to be embarrassed about public displays of affection (and neither are you), it's a great way to make him feel special. Don't overdo it, but a spontaneous kiss on the cheek or a hug from the back goes a long way to make him feel like he's the only one.

5. Send him love messages (good morning or sexting)

Men can get aroused easily by the power of suggestion. If you both have time, leave a note by the sink (the night before) suggesting "Want some exercise?" - he'll see it in the morning when he goes in to use the bathroom. Or if you want to tease him, text him while he's at work with something tantalizing to look forward to when he gets home...

6. Get along well with his friends and family

Is there a friend of his that you have a really hard time with? This guy just gets on your nerves when he is around? The next time he's over, make it a point to make him feel welcome, but make sure it's genuine. Keep in mind that your partner likes him and find the good in that.

7. Support the things he likes to do

If you want to know how to make your boyfriend happy, then don't make fun or light of the things he enjoys - ever! (Unless, of course, they are harmful in some way.) Does he like dirt bikes but you hate getting your hands dirty? Remember, you don't have to share EVERYthing! He loves to read western novels and you think they're silly? No matter - YOU don't have to read them. In fact, show him your support and buy him one you know he hasn't read yet!

8. Ask him for his advice

People in general love to be asked what they think or how they would handle something. Let's say you're having a difficult time with a coworker. Explain the situation to him and ask him what he would do. It's important not to criticize whatever he says, however. Just appreciate his point-of-view.

9. Try something new in bed

Is there a position he's mentioned he likes, but you've been afraid to try it? Ever thought about trying one of those heated lotions? Edible undies? A little kinky is often a huge turn-on for guys!

10. Brag about him to your friends

He went out of his way to get you your favorite coffee on his way home the other day. The next time you're together and run into a friend, or are talking to one on your cell (making sure he's within earshot!), tell your friend about what he did and how special it was. You may not see it, but he'll have a HUGE grin on his face!

11. Always have his back

You hear a friend of his making fun of him for something. You see him struggling to carry something. BE THERE. Defend him to his friend. Rush in to help him with whatever he's trying to carry. He's struggling with a difficult decision. Tell him you'll support him whatever he decides.

12. Show him that he is your priority

You just started a great book and with the book in hand, you are about to curl up on the couch for a good read. He comes in from another room and suggests you go for a walk because it's so nice outside and figures you both could use some fresh air. The book will be there later. Put it down and tell him that's a great idea!

13. Fix his favorite dinner

He loves slow grilled ribs. They take a LONG time to fix and cook. But you say to yourself...I know how to make my boyfriend happy! So you get up early and get busy. Try to surprise him. Tell him the kitchen is off limits! When dinner is served, not only will he be amazed, but he'll know just how much you love him.

14. Say thank you

Sometimes, when a relationship becomes comfortable, we "assume" our partner knows how much we appreciate them. But often not true! From here on out, make a real effort to thank him every time he does something nice or makes a special effort for you.

15. Every time you part, tell him you love him

Sometimes we don't say it enough, and it's often what people beat themselves up for the most if, god forbid, something happens after he leaves. What you remember is the last thing you said to him. Make it "I love you!"

Hopefully, this has given you some inspiration for the many ways that you can make your boyfriend happy. This is just the beginning! Take these ideas and add to them, adapt them and let your imagination run wild. Whatever you do to make him feel special, he will know it came from your heart.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.