Is She Playing Me or Is She Just Scared?

You have reached a point where you're unsure whether the girl you're dating is playing you or if she's just scared. The simple fact that you're wondering about it is a sign that something is wrong. Your gut might be telling you the girl you're seeing is not fully interested in you or in developing a committed relationship with you.

In the case that your intentions are serious with this woman, it would be best to know where you stand. So, how to know if you're getting played? Look out for the following signs. They are meant to reveal the true intentions of your significant other.

You Always Offer to Pay and She Never Reciprocates

A woman who is playing games has no remorse when it comes to accepting gifts, free meals, and other financial advantages. You might be thinking that this girl doesn't make much and since you can afford to take her out and help her now and then, everything is in order. However, the sad truth might be that she's only taking advantage of your kindness.

No man wants to hear this, but gold diggers still exist. Some women love to go out, have some fun, and enjoy the company of a charismatic man without experiencing deep feelings for him. They love the attention. Their self-esteem rises, and they don't spend any money in the process.

So, if she never offers to pay for anything or do something nice in return, she might be playing you.

She Replies to Your but Never Contacts You First

Stop asking yourself, "Is she playing me?" if she never calls or sends a text first. A woman who is genuinely interested in a man will use every occasion she has to text or call. She might see something she'd like to share with you, think about a future plan for you two, or simply ask about your day.

Finding excuses for such a player is not to your advantage. When you say to yourself that she's busy while waiting for three hours to get a reply, you are only lying to yourself. Everyone is busy doing something. This is when prioritizing comes in.

You can't ask to be made a priority, especially if you've been dating her for a month or two. However, it's something she would've done naturally if she was in love with you.

Your Plans Are Not a Priority for Her

Is she playing me if she cancels our plans often? I hate to break it to you, but the answer is yes. A woman who agrees to meet you and then cancels over and over has no respect for your feelings or your time. She is simply keeping you as a backup plan in case she has nothing better to do.

Among her excuses could be a long day at work, catching up with an old female friend, feeling sick, and so on.

She Is Reluctant When It Comes to Future Plans

The topic of your future together makes her uncomfortable. She is always trying to avoid giving you a straight answer. It seems that she lives in the now and doesn't care much about planning an activity or something similar that involves both of you in the future.

This woman might not be in the best place of her life right now, so she uses her current context to stall you. She often tells you things like, "We'll see what happens", "That's a long way from now", or, "I don't know for sure". Even so, don't fall into her trap.

You Are Required to Be Patient

Am I being played if all I hear is, "Be patient with me", or, "I need time"? Yes, you are. While it's understandable for a woman to ask for patience at the beginning of a relationship, it is not common for her behavior to stay the same.

Whenever you are trying to have a serious discussion with her about your feelings and where you stand, she asks not to be rushed. She might even make you feel bad for wanting to talk about it. You could feel like you're being pushy when you're not. This is typical behavior for women who play games.

What she really wants is to keep you hooked. This woman likes the attention she's getting from you. She enjoys all the presents and the meals you're buying, but she is not willing to show what you're worth in return.

She Doesn't Care About Your Friends and Family

When you take her to a family reunion or out with your friends, your significant other shows no interest whatsoever to connect with them. She barely takes her eyes off her phone, not to mention her lack of initiative when it comes to talking. In other words, she doesn't take the people dear to you seriously, which she should do if she cared about you.

Another way to figure out how to know if you're getting played is if she has introduced you to her friends and family. This is because a woman who has no serious intentions with a man will not complicate her life by introducing him to the people closest to her. She will do whatever she can to keep that part of her life private.

You Are a Boy Toy for Her

Being a boy toy may sound flattering to you. Having a woman using you for carnal pleasures could only be a dream come true, right? Not if you're in love with her.

Some of the clear signs this gal is using you for sex are never spending the night with you, always coming over to your place and not inviting you to hers, or never staying to cuddle or have deeper conversations with you after sex.

Her Behavior Changes When You're Alone

Shy people aren't fond of displaying their affection in public. While that's totally understandable, this is also how a manipulative woman gets away with it. So, ask yourself if her behavior changes when you are alone as opposed to when you are in public.

Is she reluctant to touch you, kiss you, or hold your hand when other people are around? Or, does she hold your hand while strolling in the park and not when you're at the mall? Look out for what she does if you really want answers.

You Are Not Referred to as Her Boyfriend

Everyone needs time to figure out what they want and need. However, if a committed relationship is on your mind, then you have to make sure she wants the same.

Typically, one or two months are enough for a couple to establish whether they want to commit to each other or not. Psychologically speaking, this is a healthy time frame. So, start asking yourself, "Is she playing me?" if you're together for a while, but she's not referring to you as her boyfriend.

Confront Her to Get the Needed Answers

Even if you identify her behavior as that of a player, give her the benefit of the doubt. Confront her about all your concerns. Ask her questions, and see how she reacts. Cases when the woman is just afraid and not a player are rare.

However, if you're not in love with her and you are fine with how your relationship works, then have fun and keep your generosity in control!

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Words are powerful means by which we can express and explain the simplest notions, as well as the most complex human emotions. They become even more valuable when they represent a mix of multiple domains of expertise. And, in the hands of the right person, they are eye-openers meant to make our lives easier. As a writer, this is what I thrive on.