Back in 2000, the movie "What Women Want" was appreciated and watched by many people. It brought to light what women want and how they think. Before the movie, their voice and representation weren't given much importance. But now that it's 2020, the dynamics of dating and relationships between men and women seems to be still in clouds because women want to know what men really want in a woman. It's not simply the question of what men want in a woman because both men and women want to be sure that they are with the right partner. However, there are certain qualities besides good looks that men look for while searching for a partner. That's why this understanding is important not only for men but also for women to be successful at dating and finally building a good relationship with their partner.
6 Qualities That Men Look for in a Woman
Sometimes you can't really guess that the guy you are dating is really interested in you or is he simply flirting. In times like these, you wish you knew what men like in women. As much as you want to know what qualities men look for in a woman when they want a relationship, just remember to have self-confidence. Having said that, you must be open-minded in order to understand what men want in a woman.
1. Realistic but romantic enough
It's not like in the old romantic movies who teach us that men are logical creatures who fall in love "accidentally" and women are emotional beings who are "destined" to fall in love. Today, women are financially independent and they work to achieve their goals and dreams. Being an independent woman, you are realistic and know how to live your life. But when you share it with someone you love, be romantic to make your relationship bright and colorful. Your partner will love it when you achieve the balance between being practical and romantic.
2. Kind and respectful
Women have an advantage when it comes to combination of strength and softness. Show the guys that you are strong but maintain that softness of your heart at the same time. Be kind and respectful to the man you love because these qualities will make a strong foundation for your relationship. Kindness and respect are not specific to one gender as it works both ways because respect on both sides will make a relationship strong.
3. Independent and reliable
Men love independent women but they also want a partner who is reliable. This combination is what men look for when they want to commit to someone. They love and respect a woman who is hardworking and can share the responsibilities with him. Men are surely protective by nature and they like to provide a strong hand but they also appreciate it if they can rely on you whenever they are feeling down. A strong, independent and reliable woman can manage everything to make the home a place he would love to come and have a good time.
4. Good communication
It's obvious that you can only bond to someone when you can have a good and open conversation with them. If a man feels comfortable talking to you about all kinds of things, he will connect more deeply with you. Good looks work to a certain extent. After that, a man wants the woman to listen, respond and talk intelligently to him. Even if you don't understand some technical subjects, try to show interest and ask him to explain things in detail. He will appreciate it if you encourage and understand him instead of brushing off the topic.
Communication goes on both sides. Besides listening to him, express yourself and tell him about what you like and don't like. Men cannot read minds, so be open and talk about your feelings too. Good communication will bring you closer to the man you like and will help to build a strong relationship with him.
5. Shared dreams and goals
In order to have compatibility and make a relationship work, you should have shared dreams and goals. It doesn't mean that you can't have your own passions and goals. It means that whatever you and your partner are doing or wish to do doesn't clash with each other. For example, if your dream is to have a settled life in the countryside but the man you love wants to pursue his career in a big city or you want to travel and love adventure but your man has a settled job that he loves, you are not going to have a long-term relationship. Have your own dreams and goals but make sure to know and understand what the other person likes. Men love women who have their own goals but they are also willing to understand and share the man's goals and passions.
6. Loyalty and commitment
When a man falls in love with you, he wants you to be committed to him. This will show him that you love him wholeheartedly and that he means the world to you. Trust, loyalty and commitment are the key ingredients in making a relationship work. He will know that, despite so many temptations, you choose to be with him. It will boost his confidence in himself and in you which will go a long way in forging a strong bond between you two. Once this trust is established between you two, he will love and respect you even more because he knows that this beautiful and amazing lady is never going to break his heart.
See Value in Each Other
What do men want in a woman? This is not a puzzling question. It's simply a matter of looking for certain qualities in a potential partner. Men want to be with a woman who is attractive, romantic, kind, loving, independent and loyal. Do remember that women also want to be with a man who has certain qualities. For a relationship to work, both men and women have to see something in each other. That is the only way they can understand each other and develop long-term relationships.