What to Talk About With Your Girlfriend in Case She Is Bored – 12 Fun Topics

'Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is special.' You may have heard this common saying at some point. In many cases, love does not last because it was destined to but because two dedicated parties chose to. So, what you tell your girlfriend, especially when she is bored, can keep her or send her packing. However, selecting the right topics to talk about with your girlfriend can be daunting. Here are many things you can have a good conversation with your girlfriend, in case she feels bored.

What to Talk About with Your Girlfriend

Remember that your girlfriend is a special person for you. So, you should ensure that your conversations are kept sane and appropriate to keep your relationship growing. Are you worried about the lack of topics to talk about with your girlfriend? Here are some things to share that can be of value to your relationship.

1. Talk about your common things

The fact you are together is proof that you share some things in common. If it were not the case, you could have no reason to stick around. Sharing your similarities is a super way to stay connected and help push your differences to the furthest corner of your minds. It can be challenging to judge a person that you feel like you share the same shoes. Instead, your similarities draw you together.

So, go ahead and talk about the things that make both of you happy. Ask her what she likes and what she doesn't, her beliefs, and her way of doing things. Generally, talk about everything that makes you comfortable and benefit your relationship.

2. Daily routines: interesting or upsets

Which other better way to smoothly move to the future than to discuss your daily lives? Understanding each other's daily routines can help you stay connected. People say, sharing is caring, so ask your girlfriend about her daily upsets and challenges. You will both feel relieved if you discuss your problems and try to work towards helping each other overcome the difficulties. You can as well talk about your interests and common daily goals and how you strive to achieve them.

3. Shared experience

If you are still wondering what to talk about with your girlfriend, sharing your experiences can help your bond grow. You can talk about the experiences shared during your holiday – the good times and adventures.

You can also share your embarrassing moments to make it more fun. If she can share such things, it means she can trust you and feels comfortable confiding in you as well as spending time with you.

4. Plan for this weekend

Weekends are the best ways to spend time with loved ones. Hence spending more time with your girlfriend is one of the best ways to get to know each other better. You can organize for a time out with your girlfriend to relax and have quality time with her while you discuss important things about your relationship.

5. Childhood memory

The person you are today is a result of your childhood experiences. Both negative and positive childhood experiences change the way you make your adulthood decisions. Your girlfriend, too, has her childhood memories, let her share the memories since they are a part of her.

6. Your dreams

Sharing your dreams is among the many things to talk about with your girlfriend. We all have goals and the person you need to share your ideas with your girlfriend. Letting her know about your dreams is an assurance of your commitment to the relationship, and she can lend you the much support you require to realize them. She can also help in case you get stuck on the way in fulfilling your dreams.

7. Your future plans with her

Discuss your plans with your girlfriend to help you stay connected. This is essential because it shows that you are organized and focused in life. It also enables her to have confidence in the relationship.

It can as well serve as an inspiration since she can see a clear picture of the future. You can also engage her to share the direction she intends to take in the future. And through sharing these plans, you can be assured you are reading from the same page as you move to the future together.

8. Her hobbies

People have different hobbies that make them have fun and feel good. Your girlfriend has past or current hobbies that she loves, which can be singing, cooking, or even swimming. Discussing her hobbies can help you understand her better by knowing the things she enjoys doing and the ones she dislikes.

In many cases, hobbies define who a person is, and reminding her of the past good experiences can be exciting.

9. Give her compliments

Who doesn't like to hear positive things about themselves? Complement your girlfriend Just in the same way you'll wish her to compliment you. Especially when she is bored, compliments can boost her mood and make her feel better.

However, your compliments should be sincere and from deep down in your heart. You may compliment her beauty, choice of accessories, dressing, and cooking skills.

10. Talk about TV shows and movies

If you feel so drained that you can't figure out what to talk about with your girlfriend, head straight to TV shows and movies talk. You can have an informal conversation about her favorite TV programs and movie series. Ask her what interest her on particular shows and what her take is regarding the show.

Talk just about anything from the actors, the time the shows are aired, and the flow of episodes. This can help you understand your differences and similarities regarding different issues.

11. Talk about what makes her happy

Ask your girlfriend what things make her happy and why. By doing so, you'll understand her source of happiness and work towards building it. And if she has not identified what truly makes her happy, then congratulations – through that question, she'll start working on the things that excite her most.

12. Share secrets

Everyone has their little secrets, sharing them with your girlfriend can be fun and show how transparent you can be. Whether the secrets are from your workplace or back from college, they can help you bond better. And if she shares hers, it means she trusts you, and she can confide in you even with sensitive issues.

Bottom Line

Sometimes, creativity can desert you, and you run out of ideas on what to talk about with your girlfriend. It's healthy, though. If you always find yourself in fear state whenever you are with your girlfriend, and you can't find the right thing to kick start your conversation, you are not alone. However, your fear may be sending negative alarms to your girlfriend, and she might be bored with you. Use the above topics to keep connected with your girlfriend.

Linda Ojuks
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Linda is an ordinary writer with an extraordinary passion for creatively written words. When she isn't surfing the internet and reading, she is somewhere alone, thinking of the next thought-provoking article to upload on Facebook for her readers. Follow her Facebook page @linsthoughtsandinspirations.