When It Is Time and How to Leave a Relationship

If you're reading this, then you've likely felt tired or unhappy with your current relationship. While you may feel guilty, being tired of a relationship is a very common thing people experience, so you shouldn't feel bad about it.

While love is a very important ingredient in a relationship, that alone is not enough to make a relationship last forever. If at some point you feel like your relationship has turned toxic, it's often best to leave and move on. But when you've been with your partner for too long, it can be confusing to figure out when to leave a relationship. If you're torn about your situation, this article may help you.

When Is It Time to Leave a Relationship

When we watch romantic movies or read love books, it's always nice to see how love can conquer every problem. Unfortunately, the reality isn't so pretty. Sometimes, our relationship has turned so sour and toxic that we must let go of someone, even when we still love them.

Want to know when is time to leave a relationship? Here are some red flags to watch out for.

1. You feel like you're walking on thin ice

A relationship should be comfortable and your partner should be your safe haven. When you feel like the person you're with is unpredictable and could get upset very easily, you no longer have that sense of security that should be present in a relationship. If you feel like you have to constantly monitor your words and actions around your partner, then it's time to let them go.

2. The relationship brings you more pain than joy

The beginning of every relationship is always beautiful and full of happiness. Unfortunately, all of it can change down the road. Sometimes, we tend to cling to happy memories of the past and ignore all the pain the relationship brings us right now. If you often feel frustrated, stressed, upset, or depressed about your relationship, then they might not be the right one for you. Remember, a relationship should bring you joy and pleasure, not pain.

3. They have cheated on you multiple times

Infidelity is a huge red flag to any relationship. Maybe the first time you still feel like you can justify their action, but if this has happened multiple times, then you need to face reality. That person isn't good for you and this will likely continue to happen.

4. They abuse you

Abusive actions have no place in a loving relationship. Whether it's physical or verbal, you should never have to put up with abuse from your partner, especially if it's a regular occurrence. No matter how they try to make it up later, abuse means that there's something inside them that needs to be addressed. You deserve better. You don't have to put up with an abusive partner. Believe that there's someone out there that will be more loving for you.

5. You argue all the time

Arguing is a normal part of every relationship. But once you're past a certain point, arguing too often is not normal. Once you feel like you're in a constant state of conflict with your partner, it means the relationship is no longer beneficial for you. If you can't seem to communicate or connect with them anymore, then it's best for you to leave and start seeing other people.

6. You no longer feel loved

Plain and simple, love is an important part of a relationship. So, if you've felt unloved lately, it may be a sign for you to end the relationship. After all, the reason you started the relationship in the first place was love and affection. If they no longer kiss, hug, or love you the way they used to, then what's the point in continuing the relationship?

Leaving a Relationship

Have you experienced any of the red flags listed above lately? If yes, then we're sorry to tell you, but it may be best to move on from your current relationship. Leaving a relationship is never easy, but sometimes it must be done. Here are some tips on how to leave a relationship.

1. Don't deny the situation

Denial can't be avoided. After all, accepting that your relationship is on the brink of death is devastating. But, you must step out of your comfort zone and stop denying your situation. Understand that, sometimes, leaving is the best option.

2. Realize that you deserve better

When you realize that your relationship has become toxic, you must also realize that you deserve a better relationship. Don't put yourself down or blame yourself. Instead, believe that there's someone better out there for you.

3. Prepare your mind and heart

Sorry, but there's no such thing as a painless breakup. While we all wish to move on without pain, it's simply not possible. So, prepare your mind and heart before you break things off.

4. Take some time to heal

Breaking up always brings pain to one's heart. After leaving a relationship, it's essential that you give yourself some time to heal your wounds. During the healing process, distract yourself and build up your confidence. You can do this by taking up a hobby, keeping a log of your emotions, surrounding yourself with positive friends and family members, and even crying.

Takeaway Message

Knowing when to leave a relationship is almost never easy to do. There are times when you just wish that love can conquer every obstacle you face in a relationship. But at one point, the problems are just too overwhelming and you're forced to face reality.

While leaving a relationship is hard, you must always put your happiness and well-being above everything. A relationship that makes you tired, depressed, or unhappy isn't worth fighting for. Hopefully, this article has helped you realize that. Remember that you'll find someone who'll make you happier out there. Someday, you'll be in a better and more loving relationship, but to attain it, you must first let go of this painful relationship. Good luck.

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.